

When you can see miles ahead, you can anticipate danger, and avoid it.

When you can spot a problem earlier, you can minimize its impact.

And when you can see more, you can focus on the things that matter most.

From early-warning traffic systems, to fall radar sensors, and sustainable, solar-powered security.

Hikvision technology looks out for you every single day and night.

See more. Do better.

Technologies for a safer, smarter world.

Live safer and smarter with Hikvision technologies

Alerting you to danger

before you reach it

Fusing high-resolution radar and video, the early-warning traffic system tracks movement, detects objects and reveals hazards, before you reach them.

Early-warning traffic system

Securing those in need

with responsive, contactless care

Fall detection technology alerts carers to respond quickly, reducing the impact of injury, and helping to make sure people can get back on their feet again.

Read more Fall detection radar

Flexible security,

environmental sustainability

Solar-powered, 4G-enabled cameras give you flexibility and peace of mind. And now it comes with environmental sustainability.

Solar-Powered Standalone Camera Kit

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