Meet HiTools Designer

HiTools Designer is Hikvision’s practical online tool that will assist you in every step of designing and launching a security system. Specifically, it can help you:


  • Rapidly select products for projects of any type and size
  • Intuitively design an entire security setup using common scenarios
  • Easily place devices on maps & network topologies for installation and wiring
Product Selection

Product Selection

Level up your imagination with accurate product recommendations

  • Search, compare and select a product portfolio, from hardware to software, based on exact requirements and criteria
text over image872
Solution Selection

Solution Selection

Save time from project design to installation, even for a beginner

  • Easily construct a solution based on smart product recommendation for common scenarios
  • Maximize efficiency and minimize mistakes from the initial design stage to final project completion
Select a Scenario
System Design

System Design

Visualize your site design with every detail that matters

  • Intuitively plan device locations and coverage on maps & network topologies
  • Eliminate installation guesswork and mistakes with visualized topologies
Design a Map

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