What’s Smart Hybrid Light technology?

Conventional infrared cameras provide black & white images, usually resulting in loss of details. While white light cameras offer colorful images, it might be disturbing when the lights keep on throughout the night.


To solve these pain points, Hikvision has created a new supplemental lighting technology – the Smart Hybrid Light. Hikvision CCTV camera, powered by the advanced Smart Hybrid Light technology, provides three supplemental lighting modes (Color, IR, Smart). Unlike traditional night vision, our CCTV cameras can deliver high-definition and detailed color images even in challenging lighting scenarios, while also providing users with a good user experience. Users can take advantage to select the ideal lighting mode for their applications.

Wie funktioniert Smart Hybrid Light?

Hikvision Smart Hybrid Light allows you to select the lighting mode that best suits your requirements: 24/7 color, IR (B&W), or Smart.

In Smart mode, the CCTV color camera maintains infrared illumination until an event triggers color imaging to capture critical details.

Tech highlights

Beeindruckende Bilder bei wenig Licht

F1.0 Super confocal lens

Hikvision hat die bisherigen Grenzen erweitert und ist in der Branche führend, indem es einen empfindlichen, komplexen konfokalen Effekt mit einem Objektiv mit großer Blendenöffnung (F1.0) realisiert und somit gleichermaßen scharfe Bilder im IR- und im sichtbaren Licht garantiert.

F1.0 Super Confocal Lens is designed with precision at the micron level, allowing for master-level focus and long-lasting, high-definition images.

Sicherheit auf intelligentere Weise

Erkennung klassifizierter Objekte

Security intelligence gets more visible with AcuSense-powered smart functions.

  • Die Motion Detection 2.0 unterscheidet Personen und Fahrzeuge von anderen Objekten in der Umgebung und konzentriert sich auf echte Sicherheitsbedrohungen mit effizienter Videosuche.
  • Live Guard (IP) schreckt Unbefugte mit visuellen und akustischen Warnungen ab und sendet Benachrichtigungen an Anwender.

Which products come equipped with Smart Hybrid Light technology?

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Where can I use Smart Hybrid Light cameras?

Hikvision Smart Hybrid Light cameras stand out for their intelligent light adjustment capability and high-definition color imaging. This makes them the perfect solution for diverse security scenarios, such as warehouses, retail shops, residences, and city streets.

Whether on a busy city street or in a residential area, these CCTV color cameras offer a comprehensive and intelligent security solution to meet the needs of each application.

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