What we offer

For elders undergoing care for illnesses or disabilities, living alone can be dangerous. Even for residents of nursing homes or patients in hospital wards, the nursing staff with their heavy workloads often struggle to provide optimal care 24/7. Hikvision’s intelligent radar sensors are a great help in these environments, enabling more comfortable, predictive, and refined elder or patient care in an efficient and contact-free way. Read on to learn more.

Key technology

Millimeter-wave radar
  • Radar technology can be used to measure the distance, orientation and pitch angle of an object to form a high-density cloud of points, enabling precise object positioning.
  • Radar technology can also measure the frequency of movements such as a chest rising and falling, so as to calculate a person’s breathing and heart rates.
  • Fall Detection
  • Auxiliary Care
Secure those in need with responsive, non-contact care

Secure those in need with responsive, non-contact care

Hikvision’s Fall Detection Radar Sensor uses harmless millimeter waves to detect human posture changes without making physical contact or the hassle of wearable devices. If someone falls, the radar sensor will send an alarm immediately on the HikCentral Professional Software to alert healthcare workers. Thermal Presence Detectors provide a thermal picture of the incident for double-checking.

The Fall Detection Radar Sensor also provides an overstay alarm, preventing elders or patients from staying in the bathroom too long unnoticed.

Without the need to record images or video, the combination of non-intrusive radar and thermal technologies maximizes healthcare while protecting privacy.

Fall detection radar sensor


Identify health and safety issues with instant data