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Bosnia and Herzegovina
Czech Republic
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United Kingdom
  • ADI Global
    National Distributor Oddziały - Szczecin I Warszawa I Gdańsk I Kraków I Wrocław I Poznań I Katowice
    • Phone:+48 (91) 485 40 73
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Adres: ul. Santocka 39, 71-083 Szczecin
  • ADI Global Distribution France
    ADI est un leader de distribution de produits électroniques de sécurité avec plus de 200 agences aux États-Unis, Canada, Porto Rico, en Europe et en Inde. Les solutions proposées par ADI incluent contrôle d'accès, vidéosurveillance, réseaux IP, intrusion, incendie, systèmes audio/vidéo, solutions domotiques, accessoires ainsi que des services à valeur ajoutée.
    • Phone:01 58 02 02 02
    • Web Site:
  • ALBIControl GmbH
    ALBIControl GmbH, 2005 als Familienunternehmen gegründet, haben wir uns in unserer Branche rasch zu einem der bedeutendsten Großhändler Österreichs und auch Europas entwickelt. Unsere nationalen Kunden sind Fachhändler. Diese wollen wir in allen uns möglichen Formen darin unterstützen Ihren Kunden langfristig Qualität und Kompetenz zu wettbewerbsfähigem Preis anbieten zu können. Das fordert von uns kompetente persönliche Beratung und natürlich Zuverlässigkeit in der gesamten Abwicklungskette. Um diesen Ansprüchen zu genügen arbeiten wir mit höchster Effizienz und Effektivität. So haben wir auf 835 m² Geschäftslokal fast alle unsere Produkte in für Sie notwendiger Anzahl immer und sofort griffbereit. In unserem Schauraum haben Sie die Möglichkeit, unser umfassendes Sortiment mit allen Sinnen zu erleben.
    • Phone:+43 1 920 92 53
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Breitenfurter Straße 308 - 1230 Vienna, Austria
  • DEMA Genève Office: Distribution d'Équipement et de Matériel d'Alarme DEMA SA
    Since 1976 DEMA SA is a leading B2B distribution company active on the Swiss security market. Based in Geneva, Zug and Vaud, DEMA SA is now giving all appropriate expertise and support to professionals installers over the HIKVISION product range.
    • Phone:+41 22 879 69 00
    • Web Site:http://
    • Adresse:Chemin de la Vendée 27, CH-1213 Petit-Lancy
  • DEMA Vaud Office: Distribution d'Équipement et de Matériel d'Alarme DEMA SA
    Since 1976 DEMA SA is a leading B2B distribution company active on the Swiss security market. Based in Geneva, Zug and Vaud, DEMA SA is now giving all appropriate expertise and support to professionals installers over the HIKVISION product range.
    • Phone:+41 21 633 39 00
    • Web Site:http://
    • Adresse:Avenue des Baumettes 5, CH-1020 Renens VD
  • DEMA Zug Office: Distribution d'Équipement et de Matériel d'Alarme DEMA SA
    Since 1976 DEMA SA is a leading B2B distribution company active on the Swiss security market. Based in Geneva, Zug and Vaud, DEMA SA is now giving all appropriate expertise and support to professionals installers over the HIKVISION product range.
    • Phone:+41 41 740 69 00
    • Web Site:http://
    • Adresse:Riedstrasse 5, CH-6330 Cham
  • EET Europarts AB
    EET Europarts is Europe's leading distributor for the following areas: · Spare parts and accessories for computers and printers · Recording and Networking Products · Mobile spare parts and accessories · Home entertainment electronics & lifestyle · Video surveillance and security solutions · Professional AV & Digital Signage Point of Sale & Auto ID EET Europarts is part of the EET Group, which was founded in 1986 and has 34 sales offices in 27 countries in Europe and Africa. The company employs about 500 people and has more than 44,000 resellers.
    • Phone:+46 08-507 510 00
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Cylindervägen 20, vån 7, Box 4124 SE-131 04 Nacka Stockholm Sweden
  • Kamir d.o.o.
    Kamir d.o.o. is a distributor of equipment for technical protection in the Croatian territory which gives high importance in offering partner support to all our customers.
    • Phone:+385 1 3873 555
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Ožujska 6, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.
    National Distributor | Mac Douglas Grup is a leader in import and distribution of security equipment on Romanian market, mostly professional CCTV equipment with its entire range of products: cameras, lenses, monitors, PTZ controllers, digital video recorders, storage equipment, visualization-control and network management software, video processors, power supplies, cables, accessories.
    • Phone:40 (21) 252 75 70
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Str. Dimitrie Onciu 7 B,Bucharest,024053
  • Professional Alarm L.L.C – Kosovo
    Founded in 2003 and being one of the biggest names in Kosovo, Professional Alarm is one of the most known company for distribution in the sector of electronic security systems in Kosovo. We are focused on offering best solutions and innovative electronic security systems for our market. Also we work closely to meet the needs of our clients, including: small and medium businesses, corporates, public and private sector.
  • RIEL Elektronikai Kft.
    Az egyik legnagyobb biztonságtechnikai nagykereskedés vagyunk. A Hikvision vezető, a régióban kiemelt disztribútora. 25 éves szakmai tapasztalattal forgalmazunk videotechnikai-, tűzjelző-, riasztó-, és beléptetőrendszereket valamint gyorskamerás megoldásokat.
    • Phone:+36 (1) 236 8090
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:1139 Budapest, Röppentyű u. 24.
  • Viatek LLC
    Компанія VIATEC однією з перших представила на українському ринку системи безпеки і відеоспостереження провідних зарубіжних виробників, серед яких світовий бренд номер 1, Hikvision. Сьогодні, через 12 років, ми зберігаємо лідируючі позиції серед оптових постачальників, розширюючи асортимент в тому числі українськими брендами.
    • Phone:+380 44 364 7720
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:03040, Київ, вул. Михайла Cтельмаха, 3
  • ALARM-TECH Systemy Zabezpieczeń s.c.
    National Distributor Oddziały - Boleń I Kraków
    • Phone:+48 775 453 453
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Boleń, ul. Graniczna 4, 32-086 Węgrzce
  • EET Europarts GmbH(CH)
    Die EET Europarts ist ein internationaler Distributor mit Hauptsitz in Dänemark. Eines der strategischen Geschäftsfelder der EET Europarts ist die Videoüberwachung. Mit dedizierten Spezialisten, welche sich nur um dieses Thema kümmern, bieten wir unseren Partnern einen Mehrwert durch hochqualifizierte Beratung und Lösungsfindung an. Dies sowohl vor- und während- sowie auch nach dem Verkauf eines Videoüberwachungssystems.
    • Phone:+41 41 785 13 13
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Bösch 108, Hünenberg 6331, Switzerland
  • IMPACT sh.p.k - Kosovo
    In addition to a strong portfolio of products, IMPACT electronic & professional, offers high-quality pre sales and after sales services, trained and passionate team of experts and a broad range of solutions to meet the specific challenges of its customers. This is how we make the difference in the market. This is how we lead and set standards in the market for near two decades.
    • Phone:+383 49 881144
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:z. Industriale Fushë Kosovë – Prishtinë
  • Krobel Promet
    Krobel Promet is leading security distributor and solution provider for Croatia with over 20 years of experience in solution provide in CCTV, security, telecommunication, CCTV and developing software.
    • Phone:+385 1 3041 045
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Remetinečka cesta 13 10000 Zagreb Hrvatska (Croatia)
    Die MICHAEL AG ist HIKVISION-Distributor der ersten Stunde. Als einer der führenden Großhändler der ITK-Branche mit dem größten HIKVISION Lagerbestand bieten wir Ihnen eine bestmögliche Verfügbarkeit von HIKVISION Produkten. Neben einer hochmodernen Logistik verfügen wir über ein breites Spektrum an Dienstleistungen wie z.B. Schulungen, Vorabkonfigurationen, 3D-Planungen und Ferndiagnose. Ihnen als Fachhändler und Errichter wird dadurch das Leben und das Arbeiten erleichtert. Wir leben am Puls der Zeit, sind bestens über Märkte und deren Entwicklungen informiert und geben dieses Wissen gerne an Sie weiter. Die neuesten Produkte, Trends und Lösungen erhalten Sie von Ihrem persönlichen Ansprechpartner in unserem Hause. Wir begleiten Sie, wenn Sie in neue Technologien einsteigen wollen – mit Produktpräsentationen, unseren Roadshows und unseren technischen Trainings. Sie benötigen eine EDI-Anbindung zum Datenaustausch oder Sie wollen Ware direkt und neutral durch uns versenden lassen? Dann sollten wir uns unterhalten, denn wir geben Ihnen und Ihren Kunden individuell angepasste Lösungen zur Unterstützung Ihrer Geschäftsprozesse. Darüber hinaus stehen wir Ihnen auch bei technischen Fragen und bei der RMA-Abwicklung mit Rat und Tat zur Seite. Versprochen!
    • Phone:+49 (0)5471/-806-0
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Bruchheide 34 - 49163 Bohmte, Germany
  • Network One Distribution
    National Distributor | NETWORK ONE DISTRIBUTION, the electronic-IT distribution local market leader, regionally represents the world leading brands. Founded in 2002, NETWORK ONE DISTRIBUTION brings on the market over 90 brands and offers value-added solutions for hardware and software infrastructure from reliable suppliers. Currently, NETWORK ONE DISTRIBUTION offers to its customers quick access to the solutions they need and full consultancy in implementing these solutions.
    • Phone:0735 315 510
    • Web Site:
  • NPO Infotech
    Компания Інфотех вже більше 20 років представляє на українському ринку системи безпеки, відеоспостереження, контролю доступу та IT-інфраструктури в цілому. Інфотех не тільки офіційний дистриб'ютор Hikvision, але й системний інтегратор з власним штатом досвічених інженерів, та портфоліо унікальних галузевих рішень. Інфотех один із перших оцінив системний підхід бренду Hikvision до software/hardware та з кожним роком продовжує використовувати їх у проектах, та рекомендувати своїм партнерам.
    • Phone:+380 44 290 3030
    • E-mail:
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:вулиця Солом'янська, 5, Київ, оф. 1015
  • Power Biztonságtechnikai Kft.
    Cégünk, a Power Biztonságtechnikai Kereskedelmi Kft. 1984-ben alakult vagyonvédelmi vállalkozás. Több mint egy évtizedes kivitelezői tapasztalattal nyitotta meg cégünk kereskedelmi üzletágát, mely jelenlegi fő tevékenységünk. 1997-től a Power Kft. folyamatosan leépítve korábbi kivitelezési tevékenységét, mára a magyar biztonságtechnikai nagykereskedelmi piac egyik meghatározó cégévé alakult.
  • Sertek Ticino Sagl
    Die Kundenzufriedenheit steht bei uns an oberster Stelle. Gegründet 1980, garantiert unser verantwortungsbewusstes Team Ihnen eine zuvorkommende Beratung. Mit unserer jahrelangen Erfahrung finden wir mit Hikvison und Ihnen, Ihre optimale Lösung.
    • Products Range :
      • Hikvision
    • Phone:+41 (0) 91 2241696
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Via Industria 1, 6814 Lamone
  • TRIOTRONIK Computer und Netzwerktechnik GmbH
    Die TRIOTRONIK GmbH wurde 1995 gegründet und beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung, Produktion und Distribution von Netzwerkkomponenten. Mit einem eigenen Videoteam bieten wir unseren Kunden nicht nur Unterstützung bei allen Fragen rund um das Thema Hikvision sondern auch zu den Themen Verkabelung, Glasfaser, WLAN/Richtfunk und der IP Anbindung über Switches, Router oder anderer aktiven Komponenten.
    • Phone:+43 3172 42299 0
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Energiestrasse 10 - 8160 Weiz, Austria
  • Alarm automatika d.o.o.
    In the past 28 years Alarm automatika developed operations in 10 countries in SEE region and we are regional leader in technical protection industry. We are one of the leading system integrators in technical protection in Croatia and holders of direct contracts of different range and scope with the eminent clients in Croatia and the region. As regional market leader with extensive range of equipment and related services we can provide everything necessary for fully functional technical security system of all sizes and purposes: system components, technical and project support, execution and maintenance, development of softwares for centralization and integration, training and implementation of new technologies in our security solutions. We are operating according ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 27001 certificates, we have Business Security Certificate and our business success is verified by AAA prudential certificate for last 10 years. Also, we received a lot of awards for innovation and in case study competitions.
    National Distributor Oddziały - Jabłonna | Warszawa | Katowice | Poznań | Łódź | Wrocław | Kraków | Toruń
  • Delta-Opti Monika Matysiak
    National Distributor
  • Hi-Systems Sicherheitstechnik GmbH
    Die Hi-Systems Sicherheitstechnik GmbH zählt zu den starken Partnern aller Sicherheitstechnik-Errichter. Deren Endkunden sind sowohl in der Industrie, im Projektgeschäft mit vielen namhafte Firmen aus Gewerbe und Industrie als auch im Privatbereich zu finden. Unser Name steht für hochwertigste Produkte der Alarmtechnik, Videoüberwachung, Zutrittskontrolle, Videoegegensprechanlagen und Außenabsicherung. Zu unserem Partnern zählen ausschließlich namhafte Hersteller und Marktführer auf deren Gebiet wie zum Beispiel Hikvision, dem Weltmarktführer im Videoüberwachungsbereich. EIn weiterer innovativer Schwerpunkt unserer Firmenphilosophie ist die technische Unterstützung und Weiterbildung unseres Kunden-Personals mit unserer, seit vielen Jahren erfolgreichen Academy in Form von Präsentationen, Schulungen, Workshops und Trainings.
    • Phone:+43 2774 20 225
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Tullner Strasse 35 - 3033 Leitsberg bei Altlengbach, Austria
    «Yavir-2000» - a group of companies, top-ranked experienced leader in field of security service in Ukraine during 25 years. It provides specialized industrial and comprehensive services in physical, technical, informational, banking, fire and technological safety in all regions of the country on the basis of common quality standards.
    • Phone:+38 (097) 00 22 000
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:6 KONDRATENKA STR.,POLTAVA,36007
  • Sertek AG
    Die Kundenzufriedenheit steht bei uns an oberster Stelle. Gegründet 1980, garantiert unser verantwortungsbewusstes Team Ihnen eine zuvorkommende Beratung. Mit unserer jahrelangen Erfahrung finden wir mit Hikvison und Ihnen, Ihre optimale Lösung.
    • Phone:+41 61 971 85 80
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Quellenstrasse 37, 4310 Rheinfelden, Switzerland
    National Distributor | Founded in 2007, TELESYSTEM is one of the more dynamic distribution companies in Romania, offering professional solutions and equipment addressed exclusively to installers that are active on the Romanian market as well as other European countries. The main component of its success is guaranteed by the ethical way through which the company has created and sustained relations with business partners.
    • Phone:+4 0334418118
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:MARASESTI,No.110,SC. C, ET.1,AP 7,,Bacau,600073
    Founded in early 2001 by Hungarian individuals, the company provides domestic brand representation for many internationally known and recognized manufacturers. Our partners' products are market leaders in their category in many areas of the world, and they strive to achieve similar success in Hungary as well. When choosing the products we distribute, we pay a lot of attention to the domestic competitiveness of the product and to ensure reliability. In order to provide better and more complete service, we are constantly working to expand our product range. Our goal is to provide our partners with a full range of services and a portfolio, and to be a sure point in the domestic market with customized service. The preparedness of our colleagues, the strength of our relationships with manufacturers, and our secure background with strong capital are the guarantee that our partners can be successful in the long term. Our experienced and flexible organization is able to meet the needs of our customers at a high level with excellent expertise, fast and accurate information, a wide and fresh stock of goods, and IT, financial and logistics services. In 2015, our company's WEB portal was renewed, where our partners can comfortably order products 24 hours a day and find out about prices, stocks, products and warranty matters. In 2016, our company Budapest IV. moved to Megyeri út, close to the M3 - M0 highway and the Megyeri bridge, where we are available to our customers in a new office, an enlarged warehouse, and a large, guarded and closed parking lot in addition to excellent accessibility. Our company deals with the distribution and wholesale distribution of IT and Security devices . As a result, our partners can only be resellers and installers.
  • DIPOL Sp. J.
    National Distributor Oddziały - Kraków I Katowice I Wrocław I Łodź I Kielce I Warszawa I Sandomierz I Szczecin
    • Phone:+48 (12) 644 29 13
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ul. Ciepłownicza 40, 31-587 Kraków
  • E-Commerce Partners Sp. z o.o.
    National Distributor Oddziały - Gorzów Wlkp I Toruń I Katowice I Kraków I Rybnik I Kielce I Poznań I Białystok I Gdynia I Częstochowa I Łodż I Lublin I Radom I Koszalin I Szczecin I Sosnowiec I Opole I Gdańsk I Warszawa Włochy I Olsztyn I Bydgoszcz I Rzeszów I Zielona Góra I Wrocław I Warszawa Targówek I Bielsko I Radomsko I Dąbrowa Górnicza I Bełchatów I Chorzów I Gliwice I Kołobrzeg I Piotrków Trybunalski I Tarnów I Tarnowskie Góry I Ruda Śląska
    • Phone:+48 (34) 333 57 04
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ul. Warszawska 74, 42-202 Częstochowa
    Established in 1994, SECPRAL is the largest distribution company in Romania. Ever since foundation it has created a strong bond between his partners by supplying a great variety of high quality products and professional services in security field.
    • Phone:+40 264 418 576
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Str. Campul Painii 26,Cluj-Napoca,400629
  • Videor E. Hartig GmbH
    VIDEOR E. Hartig GmbH ist der führende Distributor für professionelle Video- und Sicherheitstechnik. Als unabhängiger und verlässlicher Partner vernetzt VIDEOR führende, innovative Hersteller und Anwender aus den Bereichen Security, Broadcast, Imaging und Digital Signage. VIDEOR unterstützt Kunden durch kompetente Beratung, individuelle Lösungen und innovative Services effizienter zu werden und reduziert...
    • Phone:+49 6074 888-0
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Carl-Zeiss-Str. 8,Roedermark,Germany,63322
  • Videor E. Hartig GmbH
    VIDEOR E. Hartig GmbH ist der führende Distributor für professionelle Video- und Sicherheitstechnik. Als unabhängiger und verlässlicher Partner vernetzt VIDEOR führende, innovative Hersteller und Anwender aus den Bereichen Security, Broadcast, Imaging und Digital Signage. VIDEOR unterstützt Kunden durch kompetente Beratung, individuelle Lösungen und innovative Services effizienter zu werden und reduziert...
    • Phone:+49 6074 888-0
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Carl-Zeiss-Str. 8,Roedermark,Germany,63322
  • erdkreis CCTV/IP-VIDEO GmbH
    Als starker Partner im Bereich der Videosicherheitstechnik steht erdkreis VIDEO seit nun mehr 40 Jahren für kundenorientierte Gesamtlösungen im deutschsprachigen Raum. Davon besteht seit mehr als 10 Jahren eine Partnerschaft mit Hikvision.
    • Phone:+49 (0) 8131 / 33 216-0
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Dieselstraße 16 - 85232 Günding, Germany
  • General Security SRL
    National Distributor | GENERAL SECURITY is a leading company in the field of protection and electronic security equipments based on the most modern and cutting edge technologies on the global scale. Our success is built on innovation and ingenuity in creating a strong competitive advantage for now and for the future. Our company provides nationwide distribution and implementation of the equipments through the offices opened in Cluj, Brasov, Timisoara, Iasi and Bucharest.
  • HI-TECH COMPUTERS LTD (הייטק מחשבים א.ע.ל בע"מ)
    The official Distributor of Hikvision in Israel, Products Range: HIKSEMI (SSD, MEMORY, DDR, RAM, SD CARD, COMPUTER PARTS)
  • Interfach 2 Magierek i Osowscy S. J.
    National Distributor
    • Phone:+48 (48) 340 06 03
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ul. Chorzowska 13a, 26-600 Radom
    Solution Partner Our professionals design the most innovative and effective surveillance systems, which include both state-of-the-art equipment and integrated software platforms, carefully analyzing our clients' requirements. In addition, the ease of operation of the proposed integrated systems leads to the efficiency of the activity and optimization of the security budgets.
    • Phone:040755111201
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:street Biharia no. 67-77,buildingF,floor 1,room 1-2,district 1,,Bucharest,013981
  • Janex International Sp. z o.o.
    National Distributor
    • Phone:+48 (22) 863 63 53
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ul. Płomyka 2, 02-490 Warszawa
  • SECPLAN Technik GmbH
    SECPLAN ist seit 1997 bundesweit als Distributor von Alarm- und Videoüberwachungslösungen am Markt. Unser Schwerpunkt liegt in der Kombination von Alarm- und Videotechnik zur Absicherung von Außenbereichen im gewerblichen, industriellen wie aber auch im Privatbereich.
    • Phone:+49 6164 6420 400
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Buchenstraße 15 - 64385 Reichelsheim, Germany
  • Atu Tech Srl
    Regional Distributor ATU TECH is one of the top online stores specialized in surveillance and alarm systems. Our nationalwide distribution and network of skilled installers make us the go-to solution for all your security needs. Our team of experienced professionals are dedicated to providing unparalleled customer service and support, ensuring that our clients receive the highest level of protection and peace of mind. We believe in long-term relationships with our clients and we make our best to surpass their expectations with every opportunity. Whether you're a small business owner or the head of a large corporation, we have the expertise and resources to provide you with a tailored security solution that meets your specific needs.
    • Phone:0371783783
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Sibiu, Str. Stefan cel Mare 152-154, 550321, Jud. Sibiu, Romania
  • MKJ Systemy zabezpieczeń Sp. z o.o.
    National Distributor Oddziały - Gdańsk I Warszawa I Olsztyn I Szczecin I Poznań I Katowice I Wrocław I Białystok I Rzeszów
    • Phone:+48 (58) 770 19 00
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ul. Kielnieńska 187, 80-299 Gdańsk
  • Sertek Security & Comfort GmbH
    Die Kundenzufriedenheit steht bei uns an oberster Stelle. Gegründet 1980, garantiert unser verantwortungsbewusstes Team Ihnen eine zuvorkommende Beratung. Mit unserer jahrelangen Erfahrung finden wir mit Hikvison und Ihnen, Ihre optimale Lösung.
    • Phone:+49 2463 7979 97-0
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Grade Eiche 51 - 52445 Titz-Rödingen, Germany Vertriebsbüro: Untere Dorfstr. 74 - 79618 Rheinfelden, Germany
  • MWS Sp. z o.o.
    National Distributor Oddziały - Katowice I Kraków I Rybnik I Zabrze
    • Phone:+48 786 200 735
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ul. Modrzejewska 3, 40-582 Katowice
    Warum Sie sich für SECTEO entscheiden sollten? Mit SECTEO haben Sie einen Partner mit langjähriger Erfahrung in der Branche an ihrer Seite. Über 25 Jahre waren wir ebenfalls Errichter von Alarm- und Videosystemen und kennen daher bestens die Anforderungen unserer Kunden. Wir helfen Ihnen von der Konzeption, Planung und Zusammenstellung, bis hin zur Einrichtung über Telefon und Fernwartung.
    Regional Dsitributor | Most popular company in retail and distribution for security industry. SPY SHOP was founded in 2009 and quickly reached to represents the world top security brands in Romania. With the largest and most various range of products, SPY SHOP offers national coverage, project consultancy, professional technical support and fast delivery for partners.
    • Phone:+4 0356 453 007
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:W.A. Mozart no 22, Timisoara, Romania
  • PROMITEL Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.
    National Distributor
    • Phone:+48 (32) 346 30 06
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ul. Katowicka 16B, 41-500 Chorzów
    Regional Dsitributor Vonrep has more than 20 years of experience in security market and established itself as a reliable partner and supplier of security equipment.
    • Phone:+40253214251
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Aleea Pietii, Nr.1
    Regional Distributor | SC Cristal SRL is a company operating in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Romania. As an importer for 7 years in Romania, our company provides essential services in the development of CCTV.
  • Volta Sp. z o.o.
    National Distributor Oddziały - Warszawa I Bydgoszcz I Gdańsk I Katowice I Kraków I Lublin I Łódź I Poznań I Rzeszów I Szczecin I Wrocław
    • Phone:+48 (22) 295 06 06
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ul. Jutrzenki 94, 02-230 Warszawa
  • A-LAN Technologie Sp. z o.o. Sp. K.
    Regional Distributor Oddziały - Kraków | Katowice | Gdańsk | Grudziądz
    • Phone:609882056
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ul. Dobrego Pasterza 36A, 31-416 Kraków
    Regional Distributor Oddziały - Wrocław I Katowice | Nowy Sącz
    • Phone:+48 (71) 758 50 68
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ul. Kobierzycka 22, 52-315 Wrocław
    Regional Distributor | SHOPRUNNER.RO is your reliable partner when discussing the safety of you, your family and your business. Our team is made up of responsible, professional people, able to meet the highest and most demanding standards, and our services can easily adapt to any requirements. We provide complete solutions for video surveillance and video analysis, alarm systems, access control, video intercom, gate automation, networking, in general everything related to this matter. We only have approved products and technical staff qualified by the major manufacturers in the field. We address all categories of clients, but especially those who are aware of the benefits of security, those who prefer to prevent, rather than bear the consequences (sometimes far too great)
    • Phone:0371231811
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:B-dul Independetei nr 17, bloc Caraiman , apt. 15
  • AKOM Sp. z o.o.
    Regional Distributor Oddziały - Piła I Poznań
    • Phone:+48 (61) 227 60 86
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ul. Głuchowska 12, 64-920 Piła
    Regional Distributor | We are a Romanian security company that is on a mission to be the best in the industry. With a focus on serving the needs of people and businesses, we are committed to setting the industry standard with solutions tailored to each client's unique needs. Our team of experts embrace the latest technology and trends, ensuring we always offer the best solutions available. LET US HELP YOU SECURE YOUR FUTURE, TODAY.
    • Phone:+40761404040
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse: Bulevardu Theodor Pallady, nr. 6, cladirea A11 – A, birou 2, sector 3, Bucuresti, Romania
  • DSI Sp. z o. o.
    Regional Distributor
  • Eltcrac System Sp. z o.o.
    Regional Distributor
    • Phone:+48 (12) 292 48 61
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ul. Ruciana 3, 30-803 Kraków
  • Xortec NL München - vormals Videosystems GmbH
    VIDEOSYSTEMS ein Teil der Xortec Gruppe ist ein Unternehmen der Sicherheitstechnik, das sich auf Distribution und Herstellung von Komponenten der Videotechnik spezialisiert hat. Regionale Vertriebsbüros und internationale Partner gewährleisten eine flächendeckende Vertretung weltweit. Zum Kundenkreis gehören unter anderem Facherrichter von Videoüberwachungsanlagen, Distributoren, Elektrounternehmen und Großhandel, Händler von Sicherheitstechnik sowie Wiederverkäufer im In- und Ausland.
    • Phone:+49 (0) 89-829882-0
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Paul-Gerhardt-Allee 54, 81215 München, Germany
  • E-SYSTEM Marcin Ficek
    Regional Distributor
    • Phone:+48 (32) 644 11 58
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ul. Czarnoleska 10, 32-340 Zabagnie
  • E-SYSTEM sp. z o.o.
    National Distributor
    • Phone:+48 (32) 644 11 58
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ul. Czarnoleska 10, 32-340 Zabagnie
    Regional Distributor | In 2009, we launched the POLITES project, with the aim of providing high-quality security services for Romanian residents. Over time, the focus has been on evolution. As a result, since 2012, we continue to provide the same high-quality services through trusted partners and our online platform. Customer satisfaction is the main goal and we will pursue it to the end.
  • FEGA Poland Sp. Z o.o.
    Regional Distributor
    • Phone:+48 887 680 020
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ul. Fabryczna 17, 53-609 Wrocław
    Regional Distributor
    • Phone:+48 (22) 772 45 15
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ul. Kwiatowa 14, 05-126 Michałów Grabina
  • IMSEC s.c. Ireneusz Dawidowicz, Maciej Świerad
    Regional Distributor
    • Phone:+ 48 (71) 348 44 64
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:plac Generała Wróblewskiego 3A, 50-413 Wrocław
  • Inter-Comp.Pl
    Regional Distributor
    • Phone:+48 (52) 511 99 22
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ul. Pogodna 13, 86-010 Koronowo
  • I.T.O.M. Euroalarm Sp.J. Małgorzata i Waldemar Kulik
    Regional Distributor Oddziały - Bydgoszcz I Toruń I Koszalin
    • Phone:+48 523 254 010
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ul. Piękna 25, 85-303 Bydgoszcz
  • IVEL ELECTRONICS Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.
    Regional Distributor
    • Phone:+48 (34) 341 16 30
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ul. Ks. Brzóski 5, 42-202 Częstochowa
    Regional Distributor
    • Phone:+48 68 347 06 50
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ul. Gajewskich 32,Wolsztyn,64-200
  • P.O.M. I U.D. Security Office Sp. z o.o.
    Regional Distributor Oddziały - Jarosław I Kolbuszowa I Leżajsk I Łańcut I Mielec I Przemyśl I Przeworsk I Stalowa Wola I Strzyżów
    • Phone:+48 (17) 86 20 200
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ul. Księdza Józefa Jałowego 29, 35-010 Rzeszów
  • PHU FORMAT Maciej Szutkiewicz
    Regional Distributor
    • Phone:+48 (85) 869 11 75
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ul. Bitwy Białostockiej 6, 15-103 Białystok
    Regional Distributor
    • Phone:+48 (58) 624 83 04
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Al. Grunwaldzka 223, 80-266 Gdańsk
  • ENEXON Sp. Z o.o.
    Regional Distributor
    • Phone:+061 64 64 300
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ul. Jana Czochralskiego 11, 61-248 Poznań
  • Alarm-Service Łukasz Gawor
    Regional Distributor Oddziały - Kraków I Nowy Sącz
    • Phone:+48 508108268
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ul. Paderewskiego 73, 33-300 Nowy Sącz
  • A-SEC
    A-SEC, distribuidor europeo en seguridad electrónica, con más de diez años de experiencia en el sector.
  • Aasset Security - TKH Security France
    TKH Security se spécialise dans le développement de systèmes électroniques intelligents de sécurité, de sûreté et de gestion de sites. Avec plus de 25 ans d’expérience à l’écoute des besoins de nos clients, nous offrons des solutions complètes et innovantes pour la gestion des systèmes de sécurité, la supervision vidéo, la gestion de parkings et le guidage à la place, ainsi que la gestion de parcs et de sites.
    • Phone:01 30 76 30 30
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:153 rue Michel Carré, 95100 Argenteuil, France
  • Accédia distribution
    Avec 14 agences en France, ACCÉDIA DISTRIBUTION est un acteur majeur du marché de la sécurité électronique dans les domaines de la vidéoprotection, l’alarme anti-intrusion, le contrôle d’accès, la détection incendie, l'automatisme et l’interphone.
  • ACTN
    ACTN est un distributeur IT créé en 1988 à Tournefeuille (31). Spécialiste des solutions d’infrastructure réseau, de vidéosurveillance, de sécurité & domotique, de systèmes de câblage et de téléphonie.
    • Phone:05 62 488 488
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:3 impasse Denis Papin, 31170 Tournefeuille, France
  • Ademco CZ s.r.o. - SecurityProducts o.z.
    ADI je popřední dovozce a distributor produktů zabezpečovací techniky působící na českém a slovenském trhu již více než 25 let. Skladem držíme produkty předních světových výrobců a najdete tu produkty ze skupiny: kamerových systémů, poplachových systémů, MB SERIES, přístupových systémů, domácích telefonů, systémů EPS, ozvučovacích systémů, SW nadstavby, IP převodníků a sítí.
    • Phone:+420543558111
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Havránkova 33,Brno,null,Czech Republic,619 00
    ADI es el principal distribuidor de productos de seguridad electrónica y protección contra incendios, con más de 35 años de experiencia en el sector, más de 188 delegaciones y 21 centros de distribución.
  • ADI Global Distribution
    ADI is the leading global wholesale distributor of security and low voltage products with more than 200 worldwide locations to serve you.
    • Phone:+421 244 454 660
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Vajnorska 142,Bratislave,Slovakia,
  • ADI Global Distribution - Danmark
    ADI Global Distribution is committed to building trusted and personal business partnerships by providing the necessary tools and security systems to enhance your capabilities and expand your business today, and in the future.
    • Phone:+45 43 24 56 00
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Baldershøj 13-15,Ishøj,null,Denmark,DK-2635
  • ADI Global Distribution AB
    ADI Global Distribution is committed to building trusted and personal business partnerships by providing the necessary tools and security systems to enhance your capabilities and expand your business today, and in the future.
    • Phone:+46 08 410 113 50
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Tillgängligheten 3,Göteborg,null,Sweden,126 79
  • ADI Global Distribution Belgium
    ADI Gardiner NV is the authorized distributor for HIKVISION BNL regions, the products ADI distributes is not include the security CCTV products, but also NON-CCTV products like monitors, switches, cables, intercom, alarm products. It keeps very rapid growth for each year.
    • Phone:03/ 877 30 30
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Helststraat 150,Aartselaar,Belgium,2630
  • ADI Global Distribution Netherlands
    ADI Gardiner NV is the authorized distributor for HIKVISION BNL regions, the products ADI distributes is not include the security CCTV products, but also NON-CCTV products like monitors, switches, cables, intercom, alarm products. It keeps very rapid growth for each year.
    • Phone:(088) 234-5400
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Lage Mosten 61 Breda, Netherlands, 4822NK
  • ADI-Gardiner Limited
    ADI Global Distribution is the leading distributor of security, AV and low voltage products. ADI UK & I offers CCTV solutions to installers and system integrators with an award winning aftersales service. #ADIdifference
    • Phone:+44 (0) 161 687 8787
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Unit 6 Broadgate, Oldham Broadway Business Park, Oldham, OL9 9XA
  • ADI-Gardiner Limited
    ADI Global Distribution is the leading distributor of security, AV and low voltage products. ADI UK & I offers CCTV solutions to installers and system integrators with an award winning aftersales service. #ADIdifference
    • Phone:+35314501366
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Unit 8, Westlink Business Park, Kylemore Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10
  • Adil Electronics
    Adil Electronics is a Professional Security Equipment Distributor based in the Northwest, offering UK coverage and next day delivery. We are Distributors of Industry Leading Security Brands such as Hikvision, HiLook and EZVIZ. We offer a consultative approach with as little or as much pre and post sale support as required. We are a trade supplier working with clients of all sizes, tailoring our approach and services to each one.
  • ADK Security Ltd
    ADK Security Ltd is a UK supplier of CCTV, intruder alarm, door access & fire safety systems. Established in 1991, ADK has grown from strength to strength, distributing industry-leading brands at the most competitive prices. Our aim is to keep our stock levels high, our prices low and most importantly our customers happy. ADK has become the ‘go to’ distributor for thousands of security professionals; with 99% of products in stock, you can rely on us to have what you need, every time.
    • Phone:01204 362554
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Units 1-4 Bridgeman House, 79 Bridgeman Street,,Bolton,BL3 6BY
  • AFP d.o.o.
    With 20 years market experience on the territory of Bosnia and Hercegovina, A.F.P. d.o.o, is now one of the leading company in distribution of equipment for security systems.
    • Phone:+387 39 700 700
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Obilazna cesta 23 88220 Siroki Brijeg Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Akatos Cyprus
    Akatos Cyprus is Specialized in Distribution of Security Products and Electronics. Distribution Partner of Hikvision since 2005. Reliable and trust distributor with respect to the Integrators and a powerful reseller network in all regions of Cyprus.
    • Phone:+357 22777147
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:37 Stasinou str., Strovolos 2003, Nicosia, Cyprus
  • AKATOS Greece
    Akatos Greece is Specialized in Distribution of Security Products and Electronics. Distribution Partner of Hikvision since 2005. Reliable and trust distributor with respect to the Integrators and a powerful reseller network in all regions of Greece.
    • Phone:0030 2108074425
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:SKRA 26 , NEA FILADELPHIA Athens,Greece,14342
  • akatos Greece
    akatos Greece is Specialized in Distribution of Security Products and Electronics. Distribution Partner of Hikvision since 2005. Reliable and trust distributor with respect to the Integrators and a powerful reseller network in all regions of Greece.
  • ALARM ABSOLON, spol. s r.o.
    Společnost Alarm Absolon působí na trhu již od roku 1989 a je nejstarším distributorem zabezpečovacích technologií v České republice včetně nejstarším distributorem produktů Hikvision. Cílem společnosti je dodávat kvalitní a ověřené produkty světových i tuzemských výrobců do České republiky. Od počátku si velmi zakládá na osobním kontaktu se zákazníky a dodání komplexního systému od požární technologie až po docházkové systémy. Významnou přidanou hodnotu je technická podpora na vysoké úrovni ke všem distribuovaným technologiím a projekční služby. Alarm Absolon najdete v největších městech po celé ČR.
    • Phone:+420 221 778 274
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Březinova 487/9 186 00, Praha 8
  • Alarm automatika d.o.o.
    The company's mission is to create a value offering that includes high quality and innovative products and services and complete solutions in terms of individual customer needs to reduce risk to customers and business partners, enable smooth operation and faster progress through a common platform.
    The company's mission is to create a value offering that includes high quality and innovative products and services and complete solutions in terms of individual customer needs to reduce risk to customers and business partners, enable smooth operation and faster progress through a common platform.
  • Alarm automatika d.o.o. SLO
    In nearly 30 years Alarm automatika expanded and became the largest distributer of technical security equipment in the region and one of the largest system integrators of technical security in Croatia. Our position as regional leader is assured by our extraordinary offer range of equipment and by supporting services which enable us to take over the necessary steps of implementation of technical security systems of all sizes and purposes: supply of system components, technical and project support, installation and maintenance, development of software that allows integration and centralization and continuous partner education. Alarm automatika’s solutions are based on eminent, world known and own brands. Our own R&D department supports the implementation of the newest technologies and also develops software for centralization and integration for which market requirements are growing exponentially
  • Alberta Group
    The Alberta Group is a global provider of total solutions. Backed by over quarter of a century of experience in trading, the Group has grown very successful businesses in various sectors and countries, by providing high-quality, cost-effective security solutions.
    • Phone:+356 25490466
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:San Gwakkin Road, Mriehel BKR 3000, Malta
  • ANDY
    Founded in 1993 in the city of Plovdiv, Andy is one of the leading Bulgarian companies in the field of design, supply of equipment, construction and maintenance of security systems, low current and electrical installations.
    • Phone:+35932904000
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Complex "ANDY", Karlovsko Shosse Blvd., 4003 Plovdiv
  • Antenal d.o.o.
    Antenal doo --- Bosnia and Herzegovina, a wholesale company specialized in security technology, products and services, was established in 2006. As a reliable partner, we successfully provide solutions to our customers and strive to satisfy their needs through the highest possible level of quality in all processes.
    • Phone:+387 51 586 094
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Cara Dušana 149a 78252 Trn, Laktaši Bosna i Hercegovina
    Antenall doo---Serbia, a wholesale company specialized in security technology, products and services, was established in 2003. As a reliable partner, we successfully provide solutions to our customers and strive to satisfy their needs through the highest possible level of quality in all processes.
    • Phone:+381 11 6 356 356
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Ljiljane Krstić 24, 11283 Zemun – Altina SERBIA/SRBIJA,Belgrade,null,Serbia,11283
  • Avesta LTD Manchester Limited
    Avesta Manchester Ltd is a leading UK supplier of CCTV and security products since 2001. Delivering high quality CCTV security products at competitive price makes us unique in the market
    • Phone:03333 44 0789
    • Web Site:
  • Azenn
    Depuis plus de 40 ans, Azenn accompagne les installateurs et intégrateurs dans le déploiement de leurs infrastructures réseaux, vidéos et télécoms à travers toute la France. Nos experts sont à vos côtés, au téléphone comme sur site, pour faire de chaque projet une réussite. Retrouvez toutes les solutions Hikvision sur notre site internet.
    • Phone:0 806 800 021
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:23 rue du Champ Morin, 35360 Montauban-de-Bretagne, France
    B&G Hitech es la empresa líder internacional en soluciones de tiendas comerciales, contribuyendo con su fuerza al desarrollo sano y estable del campo. Su objetivo comercial es "Armonía, Innovación, ganar-ganar".
  • B&S worldwide GmbH
    Die Firma B&S worldwide GmbH ist Großhändler für CCTV-Überwachungskameras und Zubehör mit Sitz in Deutschland und mehr als 20 Jahren Erfahrung auf dem gesamteuropäischen Markt. In dieser Zeit haben wir ein stabiles Netzwerk mit verschiedenen Herstellern und Lieferanten aufgebaut und unser Know-How mit weltweit tätigen Distributoren gebündelt. Wir sind ein Familienunternehmen, wo jeder für jeden am gleichen Strang zieht. Teamwork wird bei uns ganz groß geschrieben. Und genau deshalb stehen wir auf der Seite des Kunden und wissen um die Bedeutung von Qualität und Nachhaltigkeit - unsere Partnerschaft mit anderen europäischen Großhändlern sichert uns unseren direkten Einfluss auf Hersteller in Europa und China. Udo Bernhard gründete die B&S Technology GmbH vor mehr als 20 Jahren mit der Leitidee von bezahlbarer Sicherheitstechnik. In dieser Zeit hat er sich ein großes Netzwerk aus Herstellern und Lieferanten auf der ganze Welt aufgebaut und veränderte den Markt. Nun hat er sein Unternehmen an die nächste Generation weitergegeben.
    • Phone:+49 (0)4525- 7979997
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Dieksbarg 5, 23623 Ahrensbök
  • BK Eesti OÜ
    BK Eesti OÜ on erakapitalil põhinev osaühing, mis tegutseb Eestis, Lätis ja Leedus alates aastast 1994. Firma tegevusaladeks on video, valve- ja tulekahjusignalisatsiooni ning helinduse seadmete hulgimüük. BK Eesti OÜ eesmärgiks on pakkuda klientidele kvaliteetseid turvaseadmeid maailma juhtivatelt tootjatelt, kelle toodang põhineb tugeval tootearendusel ja innovatsioonil.
    • Phone:+372 650 6901
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Järveotsa tee 50c, 13520 Tallinn
  • BK Grupė UAB
    BK Grupė UAB established in 1994 is a private capital company specialized in sales of alarm systems. Region of intensive activities covers Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia. BK Grupė UAB provides high quality, competitive and innovative products manufactured by the best manufacturers in the world. We are established in the largest cities of the Baltic States and we have all the possibilities for expeditious and quality cooperation.
    • Phone:+370 37 337952
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:4D, Pramones street, Kaunas, Lithuania, LT-51329
  • C.C.T.V Centar Master
    With an impressive product portfolio and extensive knowledge and experience, since C.C.T.V Centar Master was established in 2000, we have become the largest distributor of security systems in the Southeast European market. We support our customer's needs and requirements by providing the best solutions, product demonstrations and technical support.
    • Phone:381 11 3076 888
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Miloša Bandića 16,Belgrade,Serbia,11080
    Casmar ofrece soluciones globales en todos los ámbitos de la seguridad, especialmente en aquellos entornos en los que la seguridad es primordial, como en edificios institucionales, centros penitenciariios, bancos, autopistas, etc.
  • Casmar Portugal
    Casmar oferece soluções integrais de segurança de qualidade Um valor diferencial que, há mais de quatro décadas, mantêm com os seus clientes, fornecedores, mercado e equipa.
  • CCF
    CCF, distributeur spécialiste en sécurité, VDI & Communication. Depuis 40 ans, nous travaillons dans un esprit de proximité et de confiance avec nos clients, notre expertise de la vente de système au service de vos projets : en avant-vente, au déploiement, à l’après-vente. Nos 11 agences avec leurs stocks de proximité vous attendent afin de réaliser ensemble vos projets.
    • Phone:06 43 37 00 33
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:73 rue Noël Pons, 92737 Nanterre, France
  • CCTV GLOBAL London Ltd - pls update
    CCTV Store is an authorised distribution partner specialising in the HiLook brand of products from Hikvision. Based near Woking, Surrey we stock a vast range of HiLook products offering next day delivery or collection from our warehouse. Our aim is to provide customers a one stop shop for all HiLook products, offering exceptional value and service. Supporting both retail and trade customers throughout the UK for all your HiLook products: Exceptional Sales and Technical support Fast Shipping In store collections Easy Returns Product Training
    • Phone:01276537988
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Alpha 319 Chobham Business Centre, Chertsey Rd, Woking GU24 8JB,Woking,GU24 8JB
  • CGV
    CGV est une société française spécialisée dans l’ingénierie de solutions de vidéosurveillance et ses asservissements. Nous élaborons des architectures personnalisées pour nos partenaires installateurs et intégrateurs. Grace à sa solide structure technique et commerciale, CGV Système vous accompagnera tout au long de la réalisation de vos projets.
    • Phone:03 88 56 53 23
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ZA la Vigie 18 Rue Théodore Monod, 67541 Ostwald, France
  • Conectis by REXEL
    Conectis by Rexel est votre distributeur spécialisé en solutions Infrastructure Réseaux, Sécurité et Incendie. Notre équipe est composée d’experts et de commerciaux spécialisés qui œuvrent pour vous proposer des solutions à valeur ajoutée répondant à vos exigences en matière de fiabilité, de sécurité, d’évolutivité et de conformité. Cette expertise unique comprend l’étude technique du projet, l’assistance à la mise en service et les formations technico-commerciales pour tous types de clients : artisans-électriciens, spécialistes, installateurs, utilisateurs privés public. Une présence reconnue sur tous types de projets et segments de marché à fort dynamisme : Smart building, Smart City, Sécurité, Télécoms, Datacenters, Incendie et IT.
  • Connectec Limited
    Connectec stands for connected technology and everything we do revolves around making it easy to buy, connect and use technology. We stock thousands of high quality professional technology products from many leading brands all of which are backed by expert advice and excellent after sales support..
    • Phone:01978806111
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Connectec, Croesnewydd Road, Wrexham Technology Park, Wrexham, LL13 7YP,Wrexham,LL13 7YP
  • COP UK
    As a UK based manufacturer and distributor of CCTV products, COP have over 24 years of trading experience and the level of service & products are continuously reaching the highest possible standard. We have value engineered every process in our company, from pre to post-sales support; to reinvesting in our infrastructure to benefit our customers.
    • Phone:01457 874 999
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:COP UK, Delph New Rd, Dobcross, Oldham OL3 5BG,Oldham,OL3 5BG
  • COP UK
    As a UK based manufacturer and distributor of CCTV products, COP have over 24 years of trading experience and the level of service & products are continuously reaching the highest possible standard. We have value engineered every process in our company, from pre to post-sales support; to reinvesting in our infrastructure to benefit our customers.
    • Phone:01457 874 999
    • Adresse:Delph New Road,Manchester,ol3 5bg
  • Copaco Belgium NV
    Copaco is a distributor in the Netherlands, Belgium and France ofInformation and Communication Technology (ICT). The company provides computers,printers, networking, data storage, mobile phones, software, industrial andconsumer electronics, LED and domotica solutions. In addition, Copaco offers abroad portfolio of services like servers, storage, mobility, logisticfulfilment and cloud services.
    • Phone:+32 53 28 11 13
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Korte Keppestraat 23, 9320 Aalst
  • Copaco Nederland B.V.
    Copaco is a distributor in the Netherlands, Belgium and France ofInformation and Communication Technology (ICT). The company provides computers,printers, networking, data storage, mobile phones, software, industrial andconsumer electronics, LED and domotica solutions. In addition, Copaco offers abroad portfolio of services like servers, storage, mobility, logisticfulfilment and cloud services.
    • Phone:+31 40 2306 290
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Hoevenweg 21,Eindhoven,null,Netherlands,5652 AW
    Copiax AB, the largest security wholesaler in Sweden, daily delivers security products and services to installers and system integrators in Sweden. The company offers Swedish security installers a complete range of mechanical, electro mechanical and electronic security products - intrusion protection, access control, video surveillance, fire alarm systems, safety and door automation.
    • Phone:+46 (0)8 7408900
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Huvudkontor/lager/kunddisk Stockholm Ellipsvägen 10, 141 75 Kungens Kurva
  • Cédrus Számítástechnikai Kft.
    CÉDRUS Kft fő feladatának tekinti, hogy a magyar Számítástechnikai és Biztonságtechnikai piac kiemelkedő disztribútoraként, megbízhatóságot és versenyképességet biztosítson Üzleti Partnereinek. A 2001 elején magyar magánszemélyek által alapított vállalkozás számos nemzetközileg ismert és elismert gyártó hazai márkaképviseletét látja el. Partnereink termékei a világ számos területén piacvezető pozíciót töltenek be kategóriájukban, és hasonló sikerek elérésére törekednek Magyarországon is. Az általunk forgalmazott termékek kiválasztásánál nagy figyelmet fordítunk a termék hazai versenyképességére és a megbízhatóság biztosítására. A színvonalasabb és teljesebb kiszolgálás érdekében folyamatosan fáradozunk termékkörünk bővítésén. Célunk, hogy partnereinknek teljes körű szolgáltatást és portfoliót nyújtva, testre szabott kiszolgálással biztos pontot jelentsünk a hazai piacon. Kollégáink felkészültsége, gyártói kapcsolataink erőssége, és tőkeerős biztos hátterünk a garancia arra, hogy partnereink hosszú távon sikeresek lehessenek. Az összeszokott és rugalmas szervezetünk képes arra, hogy kiváló szakértelemmel, gyors, pontos tájékoztatással, széles és friss árukészlettel, informatikai, pénzügyi és logisztikai szolgáltatásaival magas színvonalon elégítse ki ügyfelei igényét. 2015-ben megújult a cégünk WEB portálja, ahol a partnereink a nap 24 órájában kényelmesen tudnak termékeket rendelni és tájékozódni az árakról, készletekről, termékekről és a garanciális ügyekről. Vállalatunk 2016-ban Budapest IV. kerületébe az M3 - M0-ás autópálya és a Megyeri híd közelébe a Megyeri útra költözött, ahol kiváló megközelíthetőség mellett új irodában, megnövelt raktárral, valamint nagy területű, őrzött és zárt parkolóval állunk ügyfeleink rendelkezésére. Cégünk Számítástechnikai és Biztonságtechnikai eszközök disztribúciós, illetve nagykereskedelmi forgalmazásával foglalkozik. Ezáltal partnereink kizárólag Viszonteladók, illetve Telepítők lehetnek.
    • Phone:+36-1-450-1267
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:H-1044 BUDAPEST, MEGYERI ÚT 51.
  • Databox
    A DATABOX é uma empresa de distribuição cuja atividade é 100% orientada para o canal e, como tal, só vendemos a Revendedores de material informático.
    • Phone:+ 351 21 430 84 00
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Rua Sebastião e Silva, 23, 2745-838 MASSAMÁ, PORTUGAL
  • DEMA S.A. Geneva
    Since 1976 DEMA SA is a leading B2B distribution company active on the Swiss security market. Based in Geneva, Zug and Vaud, DEMA SA is now giving all appropriate expertise and support to professionals installers over the HIKVISION product range.
    • Phone:+41 22 879 69 00
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Chemin de la Vendée 27, CH-1213 Petit-Lancy, Switzerland
    Since 1976 DEMA SA is a leading B2B distribution company active on the Swiss security market. Based in Geneva, Zug and Vaud, DEMA SA is now giving all appropriate expertise and support to professionals installers over the HIKVISION product range.
  • DEMA Zug Office: Distribution d'Équipement et de Matériel d'Alarme DEMA SA
    Since 1976 DEMA SA is a leading B2B distribution company active on the Swiss security market. Based in Geneva, Zug and Vaud, DEMA SA is now giving all appropriate expertise and support to professionals installers over the HIKVISION product range.
    • Phone: +41 41 740 69 00
    • Web Site:http://
    • Adresse:Riedstrasse 5 - CH-6330 Cham, Switzerland
    DIXYS est votre spécialiste de l’ingénierie de la sûreté depuis 10 ans, notre équipe R&D vous accompagne dans la conception et l'intégration de vos architectures de vidéoprotection, de gestion des d'accès, de détection intrusion, de système de défense, d’énergie et de transmission. Dotée d’une certification CNPP nous sommes reconnu comme un spécialiste des questions de sûreté"
    • Phone:01 83 62 70 22
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:28 Rue Nationale, 36210 Poulaines, France
  • DSC Hungária Kft.
    A 100%-ban magyar tulajdonosi hátterű DSC Hungária Kft. biztonságtechnikai termékeket forgalmazó nagykereskedő, mely 1998-ban alakult. A cég az elektronikus biztonságtechnikai spektrum teljes skáláját lefedi kínálatával, és ezen a területen végez kereskedelmi, tervezési és tanácsadási tevékenységet, valamint vállalja az általa forgalmazott és tervezett rendszerek művezetését, műszaki ellenőrzését, beüzemelését is.
    • Phone:+36 1 210 33 59
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:
  • DVS Ltd
    DVS Ltd have been supplying high quality CCTV equipment to trade installers across the UK since 2003. With our headquarters based in Cardiff and sales support across the whole of the Country, DVS has experienced huge growth in recent years and have further expansion plans. Specialising in CCTV, HD-TVI and IP, DVS are recognised as having some of the best pre and post sales staff in the industry. We are committed and pleased to be a HIKVision leading distributor.
    • Phone:+44 (0) 2920 455 512
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Unit 3 Neptune Point Vanguard Way Cardiff CF24 5PG
  • Dynamic CCTV Ltd
    Dynamic CCTV Ltd commenced trading in 1994 and has continued to go from strength to strength due to our quality commitment. We are now successfully established as one of the UK Security Industries leading CCTV Distributors. We pride ourselves on being able to offer competitively priced products without compromising quality or reliability.
    • Phone:+44 (0) 1642 220166
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:9B/9C Bowes Road Middlesbrough TS2 1LU
  • Dynamic CCTV Ltd
    Dynamic CCTV Ltd commenced trading in 1994 and has continued to go from strength to strength due to our quality commitment. We are now successfully established as one of the UK security industries leading suppliers and are a main distributor of the world leading Hikvision brand. We pride ourselves on being able to offer competitively priced products without compromising quality or reliability.
    • Phone:01642220166
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:9B / 9C, Bowes Road, Riverside Park,Middlesbrough,TS2 1LU
  • EET
    La experiencia local siempre ha sido un principio en EET. Ya en los 3 años posteriores al establecimiento de la primera oficina de EET en Suecia, se abrieron oficinas locales en Dinamarca, Noruega y Finlandia. Hoy estan presentes en 24 mercados europeos.
    • Phone:902 90 23 77
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:C. de los Aragoneses, 15, 28108 Alcobendas, Madrid
  • EET Europarts
    EET Europarts is part of EET Group, founded in 1986, and today one of Europe's leading IT, Surveillance & Security Solutions, Home Entertainment and Lifestyle Electronics, with 33 sales offices in 27 countries across Europe and Africa. The group employs more than 550 employees, servicing more than 46,000 dealers and handling more than 900,000 deliveries per year. EET Group is headquartered in Birkerød and logistics center in Ballerup, Denmark.
    • Phone:+45 45 82 19 19
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Tempovej 41,Ballerup,Denmark,2750
  • EET Europarts
    EET Europarts is part of EET Group, founded in 1986, and today one of Europe's leading IT, Surveillance & Security Solutions, Home Entertainment and Lifestyle Electronics, with 33 sales offices in 27 countries across Europe and Africa. The group employs more than 550 employees, servicing more than 46,000 dealers and handling more than 900,000 deliveries per year
    • Phone:+47 22 91 95 00
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:EET Norway, Olaf Helsets vei 6, 0694 Oslo, Norway
  • EET Europarts--Finland
    EET Europarts is Europe's leading distributor for the following areas: · Spare parts and accessories for computers and printers · Recording and Networking Products · Mobile spare parts and accessories · Home entertainment electronics & lifestyle · Video surveillance and security solutions · Professional AV & Digital Signage Point of Sale & Auto ID EET Europarts is part of the EET Group, which was founded in 1986 and has 34 sales offices in 27 countries in Europe and Africa. The company employs about 500 people and has more than 44,000 resellers. The EET Group and its logistics center are located in Denmark and deliveries are processed annually over 1 000 000.
    • Phone:+358 09 47 850 900
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Metsänneidonkuja 12 FIN-02130, Espoo
  • EET France
    Le groupe EET est l'un des plus grands distributeurs BtoB d’Europe dans les domaines suivants : surveillance et sécurité, audiovisuel professionnel & affichage dynamique, point de vente & auto ID, stockage & réseau, etc. Nous apportons à nos clients notre accompagnement et notre savoir-faire pour bâtir une solution sur mesure et nous appuyons sur une logistique performante et un service commercial unique.
  • EET Group A/S
    EET Denmark is a part of EET Group founded in 1986. Today represented by 26 sales offices in 24 countries spread across Europe. We service more than 43.000 customer and handle more than 1.000.000 deliveries a year. EET Group is headquartered in Birkerød and logistics center in Ballerup. EET wants to be the preferred and most efficient value-added niche distributor in European market with the strongest assortment and the deepest know-how within Security and Surveillance business.
    • Phone:+45 45 82 19 19
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:EET Danmark A/S Bregnerødvej 133D 3460 Birkerød
  • EET Portugal
    A experiência local sempre foi um princípio na EET. Já 3 anos depois de estabelecer o primeiro escritório da EET na Suécia, escritórios separados na Dinamarca, Noruega e Finlândia tinham sido abertos. Hoje, estamos presentes em 24 mercados europeus.
  • EET Portugal
    A experiência local sempre foi um princípio na EET. Já 3 anos depois de estabelecer o primeiro escritório da EET na Suécia, escritórios separados na Dinamarca, Noruega e Finlândia tinham sido abertos. Hoje, estamos presentes em 24 mercados europeus.
    ELEKTROSEK is committed to building trusted and personal business partnerships by providing the necessary tools and security systems to enhance your capabilities and expand your business today, and in the future
    • Phone:+ 355 69 600 3333
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Rruga e Kavajes,100 Vitrinat,Tirana,null,Albania,null
  • EUROALARM, spol. s r.o.
    • Již téměř tři desetiletí spolupracuje EUROALARM se svými obchodními partnery po celém světě a jako dovozce, distributor a specializovaný velkoobchod zastupuje stovku předních světových firem vyrábějící systémy elektrické zabezpečovací signalizace (PZTS), kamerové a monitorovací systémy (CCTV), systémy elektrické požární signalizace (EPS), stabilní hasicí zařízení (SHZ), požárně-bezpečnostní zařízení (PBZ), přístupové a docházkové systémy (ACS), evakuační systémy a veřejné ozvučení (PAVA), nouzové osvětlení a vnější perimetrickou ochranu objektů. Nabídku doplňují speciální nehořlavé, bezhalogenové, plamen nešířící, metalické i optické kabely, akumulátory, napájecí zdroje, široká škála instalačního materiálu, montážního příslušenství a speciální techniky. Společnost EUROALARM působí v devíti vlastních prodejních střediscích v rámci České republiky. Více než tisícovka našich stálých zákazníků v Praze, Brně, Děčíně, Liberci, Ostravě, Plzni, Zlíně, Českých Budějovicích a Pardubicích tak může nejen pořizovat materiál a certifikovaná řešení pro své profesionální instalace přímo ve svém regionu, ale také čerpat z bohatých zkušeností našich pracovníků.
  • Eurocables (Belfast) Ltd - UK
    Eurocables Belfast was formed in 1989 to supply specialist cables and components to electrical, computer networking, telecommunication and heavy industry. At Euro cables we are committed to offering the highest possible level of customer service. We believe that this begins the moment you call us.
    • Phone:+44 (0) 28 90777771
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:1 Westbank Road Belfast Harbour Estate Belfast BT3 9JL
  • EUROIN, a.s.
    EUROIN, a.s. is a wholesale company specialized in security technology, products and services established in 2005. As a reliable partner, we successfully provide solutions to our customers and strive to satisfy their needs through the highest possible level of quality in all processes. We are a customer-friendly company, so we offer 24/7 technical support, provide an easy return policy and always seek to satisfy everyone that we work with. Our warehouses in Zilina and Bratislava provide an excellent availability of products, thanks to which we are always ready for fast supply, even for big projects.
    • Phone:+421 417 644 333
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:K cintorínu 674|010 04 Žilina
  • Euromatec
    Building security together. We provide acomplete solution to your security questions with support before and after theproject.
    • Phone:+32 (0)2 726 99 10
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Avenue de Bale 7,Brussels,null,Belgium,1140
  • Exertis CapTech AB
    Exertis Captech, a global distributor of products and services from the world’s leading and emerging technology companies. One of the Nordics' largest and fastest growing distributors of IT, Pro AV, configuration services, security & surveillance.
  • Exertis Captech Denmark ApS
    Exertis Captech, a global distributor of products and services from the world’s leading and emerging technology companies. One of the Nordics' largest and fastest growing distributors of IT, Pro AV, configuration services, security & surveillance.
    • Phone:+45 41 413 322
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Nærum Hovedgade 8, 2850 Nærum, Danmark
  • Express Alarm Czech s.r.o.
    Dovoz a velkoobchodní prodej bezpečnostních technologií. Autorizovaný distributor značek HIKVISION
    • Phone:+420 281 925 363
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Plkovská 2934/1 (budova B), 193 00 Praha 9 - Horní Počernice
  • Express Alarm Slovakia s.r.o.
    Express Alarm Slovakia s.r.o. has been playing in CCTV field for more than 10 years and is a reliable and professional partner.
    • Phone:+421 434 924 214
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Dolné Rakovice 1940/22,Turčianské Teplice,null,Slovakia,03901
  • F9 Distribution Oy
    F9 Distribution Oy is a Finnish, entrepreneurial IT- and home electronics distributor. Our selection consist of quality information technology, security systems, home- and entertainment appliances. We represent the top manufacturers in the industry. The F9 staff are professionals with years of experience in the market, customers, distribution and technology.
    • Phone:+358 03 4109 2800
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Hatanpään valtatie 48 33900 Tampere
    FORCE SECURITY SYSTEMS has been active since 1984 and maintains its headquarters in Thessaloniki. By marketing and implementation, it always takes care to meet the changing needs and requirements of consumers, offering complete solutions, which extend to the field of technical support.
    • Phone:+30-2310805180
    • Web Site:
  • France Infra Rouge
    Expert en services et solutions thermographiques depuis 2004, France Infra Rouge est un partenaire de choix dans les projets de prévention des risques d’entreprises comme la détection incendie ou la surveillance intrusion.
    • Phone:02 40 61 99 82
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:7 rue des Frères Lumières ZA de l’Abbaye III, 44160 Pontchateau, France
  • Francofa Eurodis
    Francofa Eurodis distribue aux installateurs professionnels en B to B une large gamme de matériel couvrant tous les métiers du courant faible. 19 agences vous accompagnent pour vous conseiller et vous servir, grâce à un stock important pour répondre à vos demandes les plus courantes. Une agence web 24/24 vous permet de commander et gérer votre compte de n'importe quel endroit et à n’importe quelle heure.
  • GDV
    Depuis juillet 1981, GDV est spécialisé de la distribution de matériel électrique et accompagne ses clients, partenaires et installateurs, à concrétiser et aboutir leurs projets professionnels. Au fil des années nos domaines de compétences se sont élargis: portier contrôle d’accès, vidéosurveillance, intrusion, automatisme, verrouillage, incendie, éclairage, outillage…
    • Phone:01 49 88 18 79
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:19 Rue Joseph et Etienne de Montgolfier,ROSNY SOUS BOIS,93110
  • Grande Security S.A.
    Grande Security S.A. is a Greek company that was founded in 1985. The company’s operating activities are specialized in the wholesale distribution of advanced technology security systems and monitoring services. Grande Security has formed, throughout the years, exclusive and official partnerships with the most prestigious security systems manufacturers globally. Grande Security is continuously striving for growth and innovation while maintaining a deep sense of responsibility and dedication to its partners and customers.
    • Phone:+30 210 2139999
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:83 Protopapadaki Str., 11147 Galatsi, Athens, Greece
  • Groupe Alliance-Com
    Depuis 1992, Alliance-Com innove et évolue en phase avec nos nouveaux modes de vie connectés. Nous sommes aujourd’hui un acteur incontournable sur le marché de la distribution de solutions en télécoms, visio-conférence, vidéo-surveillance, câblage et réseaux-data.
    • Phone:01 49 18 92 92
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:25 rue Jacques Monod ZA Est, 69120 Vaulx en Velin, France
    Grupo Noria, agrupación empresarial que integra las firmas de distribución Novelec, Sinelec y Muntaner Electro, dedicadas a la compra, venta y distribución de material eléctrico, electrónico, de agua y sanitario.
  • Hatteland Technology Oy
    With the rapid development in surveillance technology, the use of smart camera solutions is becoming more and more relevant, important and widespread. Hatteland Technology has followed and contributed to the evolution of CCTV camera technology since the dawn of the IP camera and has grown to become a trusted provider for the smart city, high security, retail and offshore industries. With over 30 years of experience, a broad field of expertise and a mentality that promotes technological advancements, we aim to a valued partner and advisor when choosing your optimal CCTV solution. At Hatteland Technology, we understand that each market has industry-specific requirements and needs that must be satisfied and dedicate ourselves to recognizing and designing the best CCTV solution for any application.
    Hiper Suministros fabrica y distribuye productos para el instalador profesional de Seguridad y Telecomunicaciones. Su principal objetivo ha sido siempre ofrecer un producto de alta calidad, y a la vez dar un servicio acorde a las expectativas de sus clientes.
  • Hommax
    Hommax ofrece soluciones y productos a medida, aportando innovación, compromiso y calidad. Ayudan al crecimiento del negocio de sus clientes y fabricantes, aportándoles valor en todo el proceso de venta e instalación.
  • HVI Security Solutions LTD.
    HVI is the official distributed of Hikvision products in Israel
    • Phone:+972-73-2016344
    • Adresse:3 HaPlada ST. Or Yehuda, Israel Branding
  • IBD Portugal
    A IBD tem como uma das missões trazer para o mercado, soluções práticas e de excelente qualidade por forma a que os nossos profissionais possam assegurar a satisfação do cliente, sendo este critério, a base do nosso trabalho e sucesso empresarial.
    • Phone: +351 253 284 410
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Centro Empresarial de Braga, Largo da Misericórdia, Lote E1, Ferreiros, 4705-319 Braga
  • ILKA S.A.
    ILKA S.A was founded in 1975 and it is one of the pioneers and leading importers - distributors of CCTV and security systems in Greece, with full ISO9001 certification. Having a long-term and close cooperation with HIKVISION and with over 30 other leading manufacturers, we provide complete solutions, high stocks of products and excellent pre and after sales support to our customers, no matter the size and the complexity of their project.
    • Phone:+30 210 6071500
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:14 Tempon str., Ag. Paraskevi, 15342 Athens, Greece
  • IMPACT sh.p.k - Albania
    In addition to a strong portfolio of products, IMPACT electronic & professional, offers high-quality pre sales and after sales services, trained and passionate team of experts and a broad range of solutions to meet the specific challenges of its customers. This is how we make the difference in the market. This is how we lead and set standards in our market for near two decades.
    • Phone:+355 4 2269049
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Rruga"Komuna e Parisit", Pallati nr.4, Dyqani nr.2,Tirane,null,Albania,null
    ITESA est le premier distributeur français indépendant dans la commercialisation de matériel électronique de sécurité pour la protection des biens de personnes. Depuis 1978, ils mettent un point d'honneur à fournir des produits innovants, des conseils avisés et des prestations à fortes valeurs ajoutées qui permettent à leurs clients et partenaires de se démarquer sur le terrain.
    • Phone:04 91 09 17 97
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:30 avenue Fernand Sardou, 13016 Marseille, France
  • Kamtek AS
    Established distributor of CCTV technology and solutions for the Norwegian installer and integrator market.
    • Phone:+47 648 08 405
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Industriveien 14,Skedsmokorset,null,Norway,2020
    With the experience of more than 25 years and with a main business mindset of providing integrated solutions through high-level experienced personnel, Keeper Group is a premium choice for installers who are looking for availability of products, support in every stage of installation, trainings on innovative solutions and most of all a loyal partner who can support them in their daily business.
    • Phone:+35722090593
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Athinon 36 Strovolos,Nicosia,Cyprus
  • KEEPER Group
    KEEPER Group is a group of companies specializing in the field of Electronic Security Systems. The Group’s vision is to be a qualitative and reliable source of technologically advanced, but still simple in use, integrated services and products, and thus guarantee the maximum of citizens/customers security and safety. The Group’s mission is to be the provider of integrated security services, making it easy and possible, for every professional security system installer, to find the appropriate/necessary equipment for every contingent installation. The Group’s experienced technicians will also provide every necessary technical guidance and support, from design to implementation of a security system installation. Thereafter the surveillance of the installed Electronic Security Systems, along with many more customer security services, can be trusted to the 24hr central signal monitoring station.
    • Phone:0030 2102025705
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Anthipolochagou Stamati Regkoukou 3, Athens 11145, Greece
  • KIRSCHBAUM Smart Solutions
    Als KIRSCHBAUM Smart Solutions sind wir seit 1996 als unabhängiges Einzelunternehmen in unseren Märkten aktiv und werden dies auch in Zukunft bleiben. Die Strategie unseres Einzelunternehmens ist langfristig ausgerichtet. Vorgehen und Investitionen richten sich somit nicht an kurzfristigen Markterfolgen und Quartalsberichten aus, vielmehr sind wir an langfristigen Partnerschaften mit unseren Geschäftspartnern interessiert. Um unsere Ziele zu erreichen und einen langfristigen und nachhaltigen Erfolg unseres Einzel- unternehmens sicherzustellen, ist es von großer Bedeutung, dass unsere Führungskräfte und jeder einzelne Mitarbeiter verantwortungsvoll im Umgang mit Geschäftspartnern, aber auch untereinander innerhalb des Unternehmens handeln.
  • Koniko
    Established in 1990 Koniko doo is a distributor of the leading vendors for video surveillance equipment, alarm systems, access control and fire alarm systems. The quality of the products and services we offer is our greatest benefit and condition to survive on the market. Our customers, co-workers and partners are also our friends, as well. As a result of our mutual healthy, appropriate relationship we grow together.
    • Phone:+389 3290956
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Samoilova 102, 1000 Skopje, North Macedonia
  • Krobel d.o.o.
    Krobel is leading security distributor and solution provider with over 20 years of experience in solution provide in CCTV, security, telecommunication, CCTV and developing software.
    • Phone:+387 33 466 800
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Safeta Zajke 115c 71000 Sarajevo Bosna i Hercegovina.
  • Last Mile AS
    Last Mile AS is a Norwegian distributor with extensive experience (since 1999) in industrial data communications and IP camera solutions. Complete industrial Ethernet networking solutions and complete video solutions for the security market, industry and Oil & Gas sector. In collaboration with our customers and suppliers, we supply equipment and systems for installations worldwide. Also customized solutions on commission and consultancy
    • Phone:+47 6690 7980
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Lensmannslia 4, 1386 Asker, Norway
  • Lobeco Fire + Security B.V.
    With almost 40 years of market experience, Lobeco Fire + Security is one of the leading independent security distributors in the Benelux. Lobeco was also the pioneer in introducing the Hikvision brand in the Benelux.
    • Phone:+31(0)70-314 314 3
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Taco Scheltemastraat 5,Den Haag,null,Netherlands,2597 CP
  • Lobeco Fire + Security BVBA
    With almost 40 years of market experience,Lobeco Fire + Security is one of the leading independent security distributorsin the Benelux. Lobeco was also the pioneer in introducing the Hikvision brandin the Benelux.
    • Phone:+32 (0)56 - 78 20 20
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Vliegveld 37,Wevelgem,null,Belgium,8560
  • Mars Commerce d.o.o
    Mars Commerce d.o.o, the wholesale company specialized in security technology, products and services established in 1993. As a reliable partner, we successfully provide solutions to our customers and strive to satisfy their needs through the highest possible level of quality.
    • Phone:00368 4 280 74 04
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Ulica Mirka Vadnova 19,Kranj,null,Slovenia,4000
    Mayflex is a leading distributor of converged IP solutions including infrastructure, networking and electronic security solutions, who was formed in 1917 in Birmingham, England. With specialist knowledge and experience, Mayflex brings together ‘best-in-class’ infrastructure, networking and electronic security solutions to create a compatible, feature rich, value for money offering to meet the demanding needs of business types and sizes across all sectors.
    • Phone:+44 (0) 800 75 75 65
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Excel House Junction Six Industrial Estate, Electric Avenue, Birmingham, B6 7JJ
  • Meratekh OOO
    Мератех — дистрибьютор продукции Hikstorage (Hikvision)и EZVIZ,профессиональная команда, которая в своей работе ориентируется на зарубежных лидеров IT рынка и одной из первых поставляет новинки техники белорусскому потребителю.
    • Phone:+375293028907
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:пер. Липковский 12,Minsk,220138
  • Mercury Security Distribution Ltd
    Founded in 1995 and an authorised Hikvision Distributor since 2009, we are uniquely positioned to offer our customers the knowledge, support and expertise they need. Our award winning technical support is unrivalled within the industry. At Mercury SD we strive to have the latest Hikvision products in stock and ready to go. Mercury SD supplies PSA licence holders only.
    • Phone:+353 (0) 1 299 5780
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Address: Unit 6, Redcow Interchange Estate, Ballymount Rd, Ballymount, Dublin 22, D22 TR50
  • Metzler GmbH
    With more than 1.5 Million house owners as customers, Metzler is one of the most recognized brands for products around the house entrance area. Our assortment contains solutions for a comfortable and safe smart home and includes intercom systems, cctv solutions, doorbells, mailboxes and much more.
  • Modern Alarm Kft.
    A Modern Alarm Kft. elődjét a Modern Alarm Bt.-t 1992-ben, belföldi természetes személyek, családi vállalkozásként alapították vagyonvédelmi rendszerek forgalmazása, szerelése és szervizelése céljából. 1996-ban a vállalkozás felhagyott a telepítéssel és azóta csak kereskedelmi tevékenységet folytat. A vállalkozás cégformáját 1999-ben változtatta kft.-re. Ezt az átalakulást követően, a Kft. biztonsági rendszerek importjába és nagykereskedelmébe kezdett
    • Phone:+36 1 237-1915
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:1134 Budapest, Kassák Lajos utca 61.
    NOEMIS bénéficie aujourd’hui d’une expertise de plus de 15 ans sur le marché de la sûreté, avec des partenariats chez les leaders du marché et un catalogue en constante évolution. Nous vous accompagnons et vous proposons une gamme de produits/services/formations pour vos besoins actuels mais aussi ceux de demain. Nous sommes à l’écoute de vos attentes pour vous apporter une réponse ciblée et personnalisée.
    • Phone:01 84 17 49 98
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:179 avenue Napoléon Bonaparte, 92500 Rueil-Malmaison, France
  • Norbain SD
    Norbain is a leading distributor of CCTV/video, access control and intruder brands. Our focus is on understanding the needs of our customers’ businesses, ensuring that we have the right teams, knowledge, products and processes in place to deliver what you need, when you need it.
    • Phone:+44 (0)118 9125000
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:(South Office) Inspired Easthampstead Road Bracknell RG12 1YQ (North Office) Faraday Court Blackpool Technology Park Faraday Way Blackpool FY2 0JH
  • Novatron Security Distribution SA
    Carrying more than 30 well known security brands, Novatron Security Distribution SA is the leading one-stop-shop choice for the Professional Installers and the specialized System Integrators in Greece and Cyprus.
    • Phone:+30 210 6179919
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Thermopilon 6, Neo Iraklio, 14122, Athens, Greece
  • OOO "Ай Пи дром"
    IPDROM-продает системы безопасности российского и зарубежного производства
    • Phone:8(800)77-001-77
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул. Ногмова, д.62
  • Osec B.V.
    With a strong commitment on technical excellence, next day deliverance and innovation, Osec is known as a reliable and knowledgeable partner for professional security installers. Intermittently, Osec has been an Hikvision Partner as early as 2007, meeting our customer’s needs for outstanding products and service on Video Surveillance, Access Control, Intrusion and Fire Systems.
    • Phone:+31 299 666662
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Signaal 84 1446 XA Purmerend,Purmerend,null,Netherlands,null
  • Perseas Hellas
    Security Products and Services
  • PG Security Systems
    PG Security Systems is a full service distributor for B2B security market in The Netherlands. For the (IP-)CCTV solutions we provide Hikvision as our core product range. As a distributor we maintain our own stock in order to guarantee next day delivery. Customer satisfaction is a priority, we always look further to ensure the best security solutions. To ensure that we can meet any demand we also have qualified pre/after sales support engineers.
    • Phone:+31 0180-434706
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Florijnstraat 77-73,Ridderkerk,null,Netherlands,2988 CL
  • Piperaris Security
    Piperaris Security Protection was founded in Cyprus in 1993 by Mr. Marios Tryfonos with the slogan "the all-seeing ". Since its first year of operation, the company has managed to achieve a strong presence in the field of electronic security. With a number of staff exceeding 40 persons and a network of associates in Cyprus and abroad, the Company has managed to become a loyal partner to its clients with the aim of providing a high standard of security and protection for their every need. Its state-of-the-art logistics infrastructure, its high technology systems, its professionalism and dedication in the provision of its services, has set the Company to an increasingly higher position in the field of safety and security. The company studies, designs, imports, sells, installs, maintains and monitors electronic security systems, always in a serious and responsible manner. The Company has two showrooms, a laboratory, a management and monitoring centre as well as warehouses for materials and accessories in Limassol and Nicosia and provides excellent services all over Cyprus.
    • Phone:+357 25737311
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:105A Arch., Makariou III Ave., 3021 Limassol, Cyprus
  • Power Biztonságtechnikai Kereskedelmi Kft.
    Cégünk, a Power Biztonságtechnikai Kereskedelmi Kft. 1984-ben alakult vagyonvédelmi vállalkozás. Több mint egy évtizedes kivitelezői tapasztalattal nyitotta meg cégünk kereskedelmi üzletágát, mely jelenlegi fő tevékenységünk. 1997-től a Power Kft. folyamatosan leépítve korábbi kivitelezési tevékenységét, mára a magyar biztonságtechnikai nagykereskedelmi piac egyik meghatározó cégévé alakult. Termékpalettánkon megtalálható az elektronikus vagyonvédelmi eszközök szinte teljes választéka. Számos világmárka disztribúcióját ellátva műszaki szaktanácsadással is foglalkozunk. Felkészült, nagy tapasztalattal rendelkező műszaki csoportunk rendszerek tervezésénél is segíti Ügyfeleink munkáját. Mivel az általunk forgalmazott berendezések szakértelmet és speciális képzést igényelnek, ezért nem szolgálunk ki szakképesítés nélküli céget vagy magánszemélyt. Ha viszont az általunk forgalmazott rendszerek elnyerték tetszését, és saját részre keres vagyonvédelmi rendszert, vegye fel velünk a kapcsolatot az címen, hogy megfelelő kivitelezőt ajánlhassunk Önnek.
    • Phone:+36 (1) 367 3405
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Budapest, Kazal u. 64-66, 1031
  • Q4 Security s. r. o.
    Distributor of security systems, 25 years on Slovak market, dynamic sales team, perfect offer for customers and great technical support for partners
    • Phone:+42122102 5444
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Bojnická 10 budova PROTETIKY, 6. poschodie 831 04 Bratislava Slovenská republika
    RAS Security biedt particulieren, bedrijven en openbare instellingen oplossingen aan waarmee zij kostbare goederen en eigendommen, maar ook bezoekers, klanten, medewerkers en/of dierbaren… zo goed mogelijk kunnen beschermen. Dat doen we met professionele beveiligingsproducten en een persoonlijke service. RAS Security verdeelt technologische beveiligingsoplossingen naar professionele installateurs in België, Luxemburg en Frankrijk.
    • Phone:+32 56 36 37 40
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Brugsesteenweg 257,Kortrijk,8500
  • Reliable Security Products Ltd
    RSPL is Ireland’s foremost security & fire products supplier. Established in 1993, the company has a wealth of experience distributing to the Irish security market. In addition to providing quality products, RSPL also offers a range of free services to assist their customers compete in the security industry. Technical support, training courses and product advice are all available to their customers.
    • Phone:+353 (0)1 837 2445
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:1-3 Cian Park Industrial Estate Drumcondra Dublin 9 D09 HY04 Ireland.
  • RF Concepts Ltd
    RF Concepts Ltd has become one of the of the leading suppliers of CCTV in UK and Ireland. Established since 1998, we are a trusted supplier servicing industry, schools, universities, homes and businesses. We offer full support for all our products.
    • Phone:02030515202
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:H5 Inspire Buesiness Park, Belfast,Belfast,BT16 1QT
    Distributeur de systèmes de sécurité, de vidéosurveillance, SAFE DIFFUSION est une entreprise à taille humaine lui permettant d’être proche de chaque client, et de proposer une offre sur mesure adaptée et une réactivité certaine sur les mouvances du marché de la sécurité. Notre équipe reste à votre écoute et s’appuie sur une parfaite connaissance du métier.
    • Phone: 04 94 89 10 80
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:16 Avenue de l’Europe, 83140 Six-fours-les-plages, France
    En Saltoki son especialistas en suministros de fontanería, electricidad y material de construcción para profesionales. 40 años creciendo junto a sus clientes.
  • Sectron
    SECTRON Ltd. was founded in 1990 as the first private company in the security market in Bulgaria and has maintained its reputation over the years as an innovative and highly technological market leader.
    • Phone:+359291982
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:52 "D-r G. M. Dimitrov" Blvd.Sectron/SOT Building
  • SECTRON d.o.o
    Established in 2001, SECTRON security & communication systems was one of the first companies in Serbia who design and deliver security and communication systems. Throughout a years, we have developed strong organization which is recognized from the customer, and bring a SECTRON to a leader position on the market.
    • Phone:+381 11 4422700
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Jurija Gagarina11b,Sectron Building,Belgrade,null,Serbia,11000
  • Sectron Macedonia
    SECTRON DOO was founded in 2005 in North Macedonia and has maintained its reputation over the years as an innovative and highly technological market leader.
    • Phone:+389 23298495
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Str. Vasil Gjorgov No.5,Skopje,North Macedonia
  • Sectron Montenegro
    SECTRON Ltd. was founded in 1990 and has maintained its reputation over the years as an innovative and highly technological market leader.
    • Phone:+382 20671999
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:City Kvart BB, Lamela LJ 81000 Podgorica Crna Gora
  • Securetech (ST Ltd)
    Fire, Safety&Security
    • Phone:+356 99861767
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:26,Esmeralda Velleran Street,Fgura,FGR1900
  • Securimport
    Securimport Technology S.L. es una Empresa dedicada a la Importación y Distribución de Sistemas de Seguridad Electrónica Gracias a su departamentos de Compras, Comercial. Marketing y Atención al cliente, formado por personal con amplia experiencia, trabajan con una amplia gama de productos en constante evolución, ofreciendo el mejor servicio al cliente y manteniendo un compromiso de precios muy competitivos.
    • Phone:963 80 18 87
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Parque Empresarial Táctica, C. 2 A, 2, 46980 Paterna, Valencia
  • Securitas Iceland
    Securitas hf. was founded in 1979 and has been a pioneer in the field of security and guarding services from the very beginning. It is still Iceland’s leading company in the field and strives to provide only state-of-the-art services and complete solutions. The company offers a wide range of security services channeled through three business units, namely Manned Security, Alarm Monitoring and Technical Department. These units all share a mutual office and overhead. The total number of employees is approximately 500.
    • Phone:+354 580 7000
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Skeifan 8,Reykjavik,null,Iceland,108
  • Sertek SA – Security & Comfort
    La satisfaction du client est notre priorité absolue. Fondée en 1980, notre équipe responsable vous garantit des conseils courtois. Grâce à nos années d'expérience, en collaboration avec Hikvision et vous, nous trouverons votre solution optimale. Die Kundenzufriedenheit steht bei uns an oberster Stelle. Gegründet 1980, garantiert unser verantwortungsbewusstes Team Ihnen eine zuvorkommende Beratung. Mit unserer jahrelangen Erfahrung finden wir mit Hikvison und Ihnen, Ihre optimale Lösung.
  • Sertek Ticino Sagl
    La soddisfazione del cliente è la nostra massima priorità. Fondato nel 1980, il nostro team responsabile ti garantisce una consulenza cortese. Con la nostra pluriennale esperienza, troveremo la tua soluzione ottimale con Hikvison e te. Die Kundenzufriedenheit steht bei uns an oberster Stelle. Gegründet 1980, garantiert unser verantwortungsbewusstes Team Ihnen eine zuvorkommende Beratung. Mit unserer jahrelangen Erfahrung finden wir mit Hikvison und Ihnen, Ihre optimale Lösung.
    • Phone:+41 (0) 91 224 16 96
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Via Industria 1 - CH-6814 Lamone, Switzerland
    SERVIACOM est une entreprise française qui a comme activité la fabrication de système numérique d’enregistrement vidéo et le commerce de gros de matériels de sécurité électronique, de vidéo protection (IP, HD TVI, analogique), de systèmes d’alarme (intrusion ou incendie), contrôle d’accès...
    • Phone:03 83 17 08 08
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:4 Allée des Sorbiers, Parc d'activité Heillecourt - Houdemont, 54180 Heillecourt, France
  • SIA “BK Latvia”
    Main activity of BK Latvia is focused on distribution and wholesale of security systems. Company’s key target is to provide high-quality products and solutions that will ensure safety of citizens, enterprises and governmental institutions. As well as, inviolability of tangible and intangible property. Business was established in Estonia in 1994. As Hikvision subsidiary, BK Group subsidiaries operate in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.
    • Phone:+37166119360
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Katlakalna 6D,Riga, Latvia, LV-1073
  • Slovak alarms s.r.o.
    We supply installation companies in whole Slovakia.
    • Phone:+421 52 7722729
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Teplická 34,Poprad,null,Slovakia,058 01
  • Smart-Cam GmbH
    Wir sind Spezialisten im Bereich Sicherheitskameras aller Art und bestrebt, das perfekte Produkt für die individuellen Bedürfnisse und Anforderungen unserer Kunden zu liefern. Seit vielen Jahren beraten wir unsere Kunden und finden mit Kompetenzen und Freundlichkeit auch für kompliziertere Fälle passend genaue Lösungen in ausgezeichneter Qualität und zu fairen Preisen.
    • Phone:+41 52 525 89 88
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Hermannstrasse 8, 8400 Winterthur
  • SmartSD
    Concernant SmartSD SmartSD est distributeur en matière de solutions de vidéo surveillance, de contrôle d’accès, de détection d’incendie et de système d’alarme anti intrusion. SmartSD est distributeur à « valeur ajoutée » en matière de solutions de vidéo surveillance, de contrôle d’accès, de détection d’incendie et de système d’alarme anti intrusion. Avec plus de 60 professionnels leader du secteur de la sécurité qui représente plus de 40 marques haut de gamme, notre société combine un grand nombre de ressources afin de pouvoir atteindre la perfection du service pour nos clients.
    • Phone:01 86 91 97 42
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:7 Avenue Christian Doppler, 77700 Serris, France
  • SmartSD BV
    SmartSD is one of the largest and most successful distributors in the Benelux solutions for security cameras, access control, intruder and fire detection.
    • Phone:+31 (0)76 579 25 77
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Minervum 7118,Breda,null,Netherlands,4817 ZN
  • SmartSD NV-SA
    SmartSD is one of the largest and mostsuccessful distributors in the Benelux solutions for security cameras, accesscontrol, intruder and fire detection.
    • Phone:+32 (0)3 369 80 80
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Neerlandweg 22A,Wilrijk,null,Belgium,2610
  • Solar Danmark A/S
    Solar is a leading Northern European sourcing and services company within electrical, heating, plumbing and ventilation technologies. We work with our customers: to bundle their spend and improve their sourcing, to create the best offer, optimise their productivity, optimise transportation cost, to minimise inventory, and to improve their employees’ efficiency
    • Phone:+45 76 52 70 00
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Industrivej vest 43,Vejen,null,Denmark,6600
  • Solar Norge as
    Solar is a leading Northern European sourcing and services company within electrical, heating, plumbing and ventilation technologies. We work with our customers: to bundle their spend and improve their sourcing, to create the best offer, optimise their productivity, optimize transportation cost, to minimise inventory, and to improve their employees’ efficiency.
    • Phone:+47414 19 054
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Verven 11, 3003 Drammen
    SPCA High-Tech Security Centre Ltd was founded in 2006 and is one of the leading distributors of electronic security systems in Cyprus. Our products quality and reliability are guaranteed and carries out conformance environmental standards required by testing organizations in Europe, USA and Asia. SPCA offers a wide range of products, high level of stock availability with fast and reliable delivery. Highly trained staff can help with product selection and project support.
    • Phone:+357 22871884
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:58 Athalassas Ave., Strovolos, Nicosia, 2023, Cyprus
  • SSI Systèmes -
    Depuis 1994, SSI SYSTEMES et SUREXPERT ont accompagné leurs clients installateurs dans la mise en place de millions de systèmes de sécurité électroniques en France. Distributeurs multi-marques dans tous les domaines du courant faible, ils se positionnent comme de véritables experts en sécurité et sûreté : vidéosurveillance, intrusion, contrôle d’accès, incendie, éclairage de sécurité, sonorisation, supervision et hypervision, etc.
    • Phone:0235030450
    • E-mail:
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:129 RUE MERIDIENNE,ROUEN,76100
  • Suomilammi Oy
    Suomilammi Oy is a Finnish broadcast and surveillance video equipment provider. Product range includes all components for high end video streaming and surveillance solutions. The customer base consists of system integrators and broadcasting companies.
  • TD Synnex
    A TD SYNNEX capacita os inovadores de TI, parceiros do ecossistema e talentos em tecnologia para alcançar ótimos resultados.
    • Phone:707 200 016
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Av. D. João II Lote, Piso 1 Ala A, 1998-014 Lisboa
    Telectrisa es un Distribuidor nacional de Sistemas de Seguridad (CCTV, Intrusión, Incendio, Gases, CCAA) y Videoporteros. El SERVICIO con mayúsculas, es su señal de identidad.
    • Phone:+34 987 41 33 34 / +34 987 41 03 34
    • E-mail:Pedidos: / Consultas técnicas:
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:
  • Tevah Systèmes
    Créée en 2004, Tevah Systèmes est un acteur incontournable sur le marché de la sécurité. Grâce à notre expertise, nous déployons toutes nos ressources pour rendre la sécurité accessible à tous. Avec 3 agences en France et outre-mer et forte de nos différents métiers, nous sélectionnons pour vous les meilleures innovations technologiques en matière de sécurité et veillons à vous fournir un service de qualité. 30 collaborateurs, 3 agences (en France et à l’international)et une croissance de 30% par an pour vous apporter les meilleures solutions de sécurité qui puissent exister.
    • Phone:01 41 16 30 47
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:52 rue Paul Lescop, 92000 Nanterre, France
  • Traders Warehouse
    Traders Warehouse Security Distribution is a nationwide distributor of CCTV, Access Control, Door Entry, Intruder Alarms, and Fire Products. We provide a friendly, timely, and value-for-money service across our 6 branches, with an extensive range of stock available. We have been a sub-distributor of Hikvision for a number of years and have a tech team with experience dealing with Hikvision Cameras, DVRs and NVRs. Our branches are located in Derby, Milton Keynes, Birmingham, Glasgow, Preston and Bradford, with multiple vans covering surrounding areas.
    • Phone:0330 122 2408
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Bailey House, Unit 39 - 41 Royal Scot Road, Derby, DE24 8AJ
  • Trading House Avant-Techno, LLC
    Компания ООО «Торговый дом «АВАНТ-ТЕХНО» – ведущий поставщик оборудования для систем безопасности в Республике Беларусь. Предлагаем передовые решения от мировых производителей − от сложнотехнического оборудования до монтажных материалов. Обеспечиваем комплексное решение задач наших клиентов − от разработки проектного решения до сопровождения и сервисного обслуживания.
    • Phone:+375-17-304-40-40
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:220004, Республика Беларусь, г. Минск, ул. Короля, 45
  • Tridis
    Tridis was established in 1996 and is adedicated distributor of computer accessories, networking components andsecurity products. With over 7.000 references, Tridis coversthe total range of cabling, peripherals, racks, etc... Our 2,650m² warehouse holds up to 95% ofstock of all references to guarantee one-day delivery.
    • Phone:+32 (0) 52 225 225
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Koeweidestraat 46,Merchtem,null,Belgium,1785
  • Varnet s.r.o.
    VARNET nabízí kompletní sortiment slaboproudých technologií pro zabezpečení a správu budov spolu s kvalifikovanou technickou a projektovou podporou. Díky přímému zastoupení nejvýznamnějších výrobců v oboru poskytujeme zákazníkům nejmodernější technologie zabezpečení objektů včetně jejich integrace a centralizované správy.
    • Phone:+420 565 659 600
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:U Obůrky 823/5 674 01 Třebíč
  • Vector Security
    Vector Electronics was founded in 1997 for the development and production of high technology products, particularly power conversion systems.Due to the nature of the company, but also the excellent technical expertise, Vector Electronics quickly entered the field of security systems, where it operates up to this day specialized in CCTV products and intrusion . Vector Security is a business to business distribution company for security systems,our field of operation is limited to certified installers, system integrators, re-distributors and companies. What makes us expanding very quickly is the client oriented character that all of our branches implement. Vector provides high level of services, our well trained personnel offers excellent technical support, after sales services. Our 6 warehouses across Europe will make sure that our partners will always receive the required products in time. Vector Security is looking for partners to expand together in an atmosphere of healthy and trustworthy collaborations.
    Vector Security is a business to business distribution company for security systems, our field of operation is limited to certified installers, system integrators, re-distributors and companies. What makes us expanding very quickly is the client oriented character that all of our branches implement. Vector provides high level of services, our well trained personnel offers excellent technical support, after sales services. Our 6 warehouses across Euro
  • Veditec
    VEDITEC est une société française spécialisée dans la distribution de matériel de sécurité destiné aux professionnels du marché. Depuis 10 ans, VEDITEC s’engage à être un véritable allier en assurant un service technique de qualité et de nombreuses prestations complémentaires. Notre équipe est à l’écoute de chaque client tout au long de leurs projets et sur le cycle de vie de leur produit.
    • Phone:04 78 94 61 24
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:76 rue du Bourbonnais, 69009 Lyon, France
  • VIAKOM CZ s.r.o.
    Společnost VIAKOM je od roku 1999 přední dovozce a velkoobchod kamerových systémů. Základní myšlenkou společnosti je být více než jen dovozce, což v praxi znamená poskytování služeb s přidanou hodnotou. VIAKOM nabízí široké portfolio prověřených a kvalitních produktů, vysokou skladovou dostupnost celého sortimentu, technickou podporu certifikovaných specialistů a v neposlední řadě prozákaznický individuální přístup. Nabízené produkty odebírají zákazníci napříč celým trhem včetně státní správy. Kvalitu firmy si oblíbili i zahraniční zákazníci z Evropské Unie
    • Phone:+420 281 869 570
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Oderská 333/5 (Impera park) 196 00 - Praha Čakovice
  • Victiana SRL
    The company Victiana SRL, founded in 2002, is the leader in the market of security systems in Moldova.
    • Phone:
    • Adresse:Alexandru Hajdeu 66/3
  • VIDEOR E.Hartig GmbH
    VIDEOR E. Hartig GmbH ist der führende Distributor für professionelle Video- und Sicherheitstechnik. Als unabhängiger und verlässlicher Partner vernetzt VIDEOR führende, innovative Hersteller und Anwender aus den Bereichen Security, Broadcast, Imaging und Digital Signage. VIDEOR unterstützt Kunden durch kompetente Beratung, individuelle Lösungen und innovative Services effizienter zu werden und reduziert...
    • Phone:+4960748880
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Carl-Zeiss-Strasse 8 - 63322 Rödermark, Germany
  • Visiotech
    Tras más de 14 años de experiencia y un crecimiento constante, Visiotech es a día de hoy, uno de los principales mayoristas de Videovigilancia, Intrusión, Control de Accesos/presencia, smarthome, accesorios, incendio y videoporteros, con presencia en 63 países y con más de 200 empleados.
  • Visiotech
    A Visiotech é uma empresa líder na área da distribuição de segurança na Europa. Depois de de 14 anos de experiência e crescimento constante, a Visiotech é hoje um dos principais grossistas de Videovigilancia, Intrusão, Controlo de Acesso/presença, smarthome, acessórios, fogo, vídeo videoporteiros e audiovisuais, com presença em 63 países e com mais de 200 colaboradores.
    • Phone:+351 308 802 598
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Parque Suécia - Av. do Forte 3, Edf. Suécia IV, sala 1.08, 2790-072, Carnaxide, Lisboa
  • Xcom LTD
    Xcom LTD was established in 2005 and since then has established itself as a reliable partner and supplier of video surveillance, telecommunications equipment for cable networks and many others.
    • Phone:+35932399565
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:South Industrial Zone, "Bratia Bakston 134" str.,Plovdiv,4000
  • Xortec GmbH
    Als Lösungsanbieter und Distributor von professionellen Videoüberwachungs- und Datenkommunikationslösungen ist die Xortec GmbH mit Sitz in Frankfurt am Main ausschließlich im B2B Geschäft tätig. Unser Team steht seinen Kunden nicht nur während der Planungs- und Realisierungsphase zur Seite, sondern unterstützt sie auch im Anschluss mit seinem weitreichenden Serviceprogramm.
    • Phone:+49 69 5069886-0
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Berner Straße 79 - 60437 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  • XORTEC GmbH - Niederlassung Berlin - vormals Burgenkönig Video GmbH
    Als Lösungsanbieter und Distributor von professionellen Videoüberwachungs- und Datenkommunikationslösungen ist die BKVideo ein Unternehmen der Xortec Gruppe mit Sitz bei Berlin ausschließlich im B2B Geschäft tätig. Unser Team steht seinen Kunden nicht nur während der Planungs- und Realisierungsphase zur Seite, sondern unterstützt sie auch im Anschluss mit seinem weitreichenden Serviceprogramm.
  • Xortec NL Hamburg - vormals videotronic infosystems nord GmbH
    Bei videotronic nord ein Unternehmen der Xortec Gruppe ist der Name Programm. Seit über 30 Jahren liefern wir innovative Video-Security-Lösungen für Gewerbe- und Privatkunden. Hierbei kommen leistungsfähigste Produkte namenhaften Hersteller zum Einsatz. Durch individuelle Planung und Konzeption sind wir in der Lage zusammen mit unseren Partnern für jedes Projekt die richtige Lösung zu bieten.
  • ООО "А-ВИЖН"
    Один из крупнейших дистрибьторов Hikvision. Компания ориентирована на сегмент оптовых и мелко-оптовых продаж, предлагая инсталляторам огромный выбор продукции для построения систем безопасности различной сложности при приемлемой для заказчика цене.
    • Phone:8 (495) 120-06-86
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:площадь Журавлева, д. 2, стр.2
  • ООО "Амиком Трейд"
    Один из крупнейших дистрибьторов Hikvision. Компания ориентирована на сегмент оптовых и мелко-оптовых продаж, предлагая инсталляторам огромный выбор продукции для построения систем безопасности различной сложности при приемлемой для заказчика цене.
    • Phone:8 (495) 120-06-86
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:площадь Журавлева, д. 2, стр.2
  • ООО "ДССЛ"
    Основной Акаунт
    • Phone:8(812)3398929
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул. Бакунинская д. 71, этаж 6, комната 7
    Предстваительство Санкт-Петербург
    • Phone:+7 (812) 339-89-29
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Бобруйская ул, дом № 3 литерА пом.23
  • ООО "ДССЛ-Первый"
    Головной офис компании
    • Phone:8 (495) 783-72-87
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Бакунинская ул, дом № 71, 5 этаж, офис 1
    Предстваительство Нижний Новгород
    • Phone:+7 (831) 228-64-51
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Премудрова ул., дом № 31, корпус А, оф.20/6
  • ООО "ДССЛ-Приволжье"
    Предстваительство Нижний Новгород
    • Phone:+7 (831) 228-64-51
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Премудрова ул., дом № 31А, оф.21
  • ООО "ДССЛ-Сервис НН"
    Сервисный центр Нижний Новгород
    • Phone:+7 (831) 228-64-51
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Премудрова ул, дом № 31А, кв.20
  • ООО "ДССЛ-Сервис"
    Сервисный центр Москва
    • Phone:+7 (495) 783-72-87 доб. 0117
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Переведеновский пер., д. 17, к. 1, вход с улицы, от КПП направо
  • ООО "Луис+"
    The biggest trade company of Russian security market.
    • Phone:+7 (495) 637-63-17
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Ямского Поля 1-я ул.д.28, эт.3, пом. XV, ком.2, г.Москва
  • ООО "Луис+"
    The biggest trade company of Russian security market.
    • Phone:+7 (423) 239-38-99
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул. Гоголя, д. 54, г.Владивосток
  • ООО "Луис+"
    The biggest trade company of Russian security market.
    • Phone:+7 (8442) 43-97-98
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул. Бурейская, д. 7, 2-ой этаж, правое крыло, г.Волгоград
  • ООО "Луис+"
    The biggest trade company of Russian security market.
    • Phone::+7 (473) 202-18-18
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул. Текстильщиков, 5Б, г.Воронеж
  • ООО "Луис+"
    The biggest trade company of Russian security market.
    • Phone:+7 (343) 298-20-28
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Сибирский тракт, д. 12, строение 7, офис 100, г.Екатеринбург
  • ООО "Луис+"
    The biggest trade company of Russian security market.
    • Phone:+7 (843) 204-22-33
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Оренбургский тракт, д. 128, корп. 2, г.Казань
  • ООО "Луис+"
    The biggest trade company of Russian security market.
    • Phone:+7 (861) 273-99-03
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул. Дальняя, д. 2, г.Краснодар
  • ООО "Луис+"
    The biggest trade company of Russian security market.
    • Phone::+7 (391) 216-50-20
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул. Дубровинского, д. 112, г.Красноярск
  • ООО "Луис+"
    The biggest trade company of Russian security market.
    • Phone:+7 (831) 214-71-17
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул. Мануфактурная, д. 14, пом. 1, г.Нижний Новгород
  • ООО "Луис+"
    The biggest trade company of Russian security market.
    • Phone:+7 (383) 285-33-77
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул.Фабричная, д. 10, корп.3, г.Новосибирск
  • ООО "Луис+"
    The biggest trade company of Russian security market.
    • Phone:+7 (342) 206-07-47
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:л. Чкалова, д. 7а, корп. 1, г.Пермь
  • ООО "Луис+"
    The biggest trade company of Russian security market.
    • Phone:+7 (863) 285-66-90
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул. Менжинского, д. 4А, г.Ростов-на-Дону
  • ООО "Луис+"
    The biggest trade company of Russian security market.
    • Phone:+7 (846) 203-04-24
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул. Солнечная, дом 60/126, офис 602 (6 этаж)., г.Самара
  • ООО "Луис+"
    The biggest trade company of Russian security market.
    • Phone:+7 (812) 331-40-41
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул. Марата 69-71 лит.Б, г.Санкт-Петербург
  • ООО "Луис+"
    The biggest trade company of Russian security market.
    • Phone:+7 (8482) 37-94-74
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул. Эрвье, д. 9, г.Тюмень
  • ООО "Луис+"
    The biggest trade company of Russian security market.
    • Phone:+7(3452)63-81-83
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул. Ворошилова, д. 17, этаж 3, оф. 303, г.Тольятти
  • ООО "Луис+"
    The biggest trade company of Russian security market.
    • Phone:+7 (347) 225-33-00
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул. Малая Тихорецкая, д.7, г.Уфа
  • ООО "Луис+"
    The biggest trade company of Russian security market.
    • Phone:+7 (351) 220-00-72
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Витебская, д. 4, г.Челябинск
  • ООО "Мерлион"
    MERLION - крупнейшая российская компания на рынке IT, бытовой техники, канцелярских товаров и офисной мебели.
    • Phone:+7 (495) 981-84-84
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:бульвар Строителей, д. 4, кор. 1, эт. 8, каб. 819
  • ООО "О-Си-Эс-Центр"
    National largest IT distributor
    • Phone:+7 (495) 995-25-85
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Киевское шоссе, Румянцево, офисный парк Comcity, д. 6, стр.1, г. Москва
  • ООО "О-Си-Эс-Центр"
    National largest IT distributor
    • Phone:7 (812) 324-28707 (812) 380-0303
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Большой Сампсониевский пр., д.68-Д, г. Санкт-Петербург
  • ООО "О-Си-Эс-Центр"
    National largest IT distributor
    • Phone:7 (800) 555-3999
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул.Тургенева, д.26-Б, г.Нижний Новгород
  • ООО "О-Си-Эс-Центр"
    National largest IT distributor
    • Phone:7 (800) 555-3999
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул. Островского, 27, Коворкинг «fun(с)», офис 3, г.Казань
  • ООО "О-Си-Эс-Центр"
    National largest IT distributor
    • Phone:7 (800) 555-3999
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Верхнеторговая площадь, д.6, БЦ «Нестеров», офис 3.4, г.Уфа
  • ООО "О-Си-Эс-Центр"
    National largest IT distributor
    • Phone:7 (800) 555-3999
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Московское шоссе, д. 17, БЦ "Вертикаль", 10 этаж, офис 1007, г.Самара
  • ООО "О-Си-Эс-Центр"
    National largest IT distributor
    • Phone:7 (800) 555-3999
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул. Чернышевского, д.60/62, офис 818, г.Саратов
  • ООО "О-Си-Эс-Центр"
    National largest IT distributor
    • Phone:7 (800) 555-3999
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:пр.им.Дерябина, д.3/4 , г.Ижевск
  • ООО "О-Си-Эс-Центр"
    National largest IT distributor
    • Phone:7 (800) 555-3999
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул.Свободы, д.2, офис 523 , г.Ярославль
  • ООО "О-Си-Эс-Центр"
    National largest IT distributor
    • Phone:7 (800) 555-3999
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:3-й Академический пр., д.19, стр.2, офис 213 , г.Калуга
  • ООО "О-Си-Эс-Центр"
    National largest IT distributor
    • Phone:7 (473) 228-1188
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул.Моисеева, д.45 , г.Воронеж
  • ООО "О-Си-Эс-Центр"
    National largest IT distributor
    • Phone:7 (863) 333-0131
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул.Мадояна, д.110/13, г.Ростов-на-Дону
  • ООО "О-Си-Эс-Центр"
    National largest IT distributor
    • Phone:7 (8442) 604-515
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул.Венецианова, д.2-Б, г.Волгоград
  • ООО "О-Си-Эс-Центр"
    National largest IT distributor
    • Phone:7 (861) 205-5597
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул.Тихорецкая, д.26, офис 303 (3 этаж) , г.Краснодар
  • ООО "О-Си-Эс-Центр"
    National largest IT distributor
    • Phone:7 (8962) 429-4488
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Региональный представитель Филиппи Антон: , г.Ставрополь
  • ООО "О-Си-Эс-Центр"
    National largest IT distributor
    • Phone:7 (8793) 402-585
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Кисловодское шоссе, д.28-Е, г.Пятигорск
  • ООО "О-Си-Эс-Центр"
    National largest IT distributor
    • Phone:7 (343) 286-2291
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул.Мамина-Сибиряка, д.145, офис 379 , г.Екатеринбург
  • ООО "О-Си-Эс-Центр"
    National largest IT distributor
    • Phone:7 (351) 799-5369
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул.Малогрузовая, д.1, офис 405 , г.Челябинск
  • ООО "О-Си-Эс-Центр"
    National largest IT distributor
    • Phone:7 (3452) 66-8161
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул.Осипенко, д.81 (Тюменский дом печати), офис 104/5 , г.Тюмень
  • ООО "О-Си-Эс-Центр"
    National largest IT distributor
    • Phone:7 (342) 219-51487 (342) 254-3162
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул.М.Ямская, д.10/1, г.Пермь
  • ООО "О-Си-Эс-Центр"
    National largest IT distributor
    • Phone:7 (383) 363-27957 (383) 351-0185
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул.Блюхера, д.71/1, г.Новосибирск
  • ООО "О-Си-Эс-Центр"
    National largest IT distributor
    • Phone:7 (391) 200-11407 (391) 276-7700
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул.Маерчака, д.16 , г.Красноярск
  • ООО "О-Си-Эс-Центр"
    National largest IT distributor
    • Phone:7 (3812) 207-297
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул.Нефтезаводская, д.42-А, офис 26, г.Омск
  • ООО "О-Си-Эс-Центр"
    National largest IT distributor
    • Phone:7 (3952) 500-853
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул.Карла Либкнехта, д.121, БЦ "Европлаза", офис 720, г.Иркутск
  • ООО "О-Си-Эс-Центр"
    National largest IT distributor
    • Phone:7(423) 202-2795
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул.Огарева, д.5, г.Владивосток
  • ООО "О-Си-Эс-Центр"
    National largest IT distributor
    • Phone:7 (4212) 78-9949 (доб.5352)
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Региональный представитель Ушакова Мария: , г.Хабаровск
    Компания «СТЭЛС» специализируется на реализации комплексных систем безопасности:
    • Phone:8 (4162) 777-888
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул. Ленина, 213
  • ООО "Стэлс-Казань"
    Компания «СТЭЛС» специализируется на реализации комплексных систем безопасности:
    • Phone:+7 (843) 204-23-93
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул. Ягодинская, д.25
  • ООО "Стэлс-Центр"
    Компания «СТЭЛС» специализируется на реализации комплексных систем безопасности:
    • Phone:+7 (999) 997-56-47
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Коптевская, дом 67
    Основной род деятельности компании - поставки оборудования, оптовые продажи, послепродажное обслуживание и сервис, проектирование комплексных инженерно-технических решений на базе интегрированных систем безопасности, включающих охранное видеонаблюдение, системы контроля доступа, домофонию и охранную сигнализацию.
    • Phone:+7(499)403-36-11
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул. Руставели, 14 стр.6, г.Москва
  • ООО "Торус"
    Основной род деятельности компании - поставки оборудования, оптовые продажи, послепродажное обслуживание и сервис, проектирование комплексных инженерно-технических решений на базе интегрированных систем безопасности, включающих охранное видеонаблюдение, системы контроля доступа, домофонию и охранную сигнализацию.
    • Phone:+7 (812) 578-77-40
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул. Заозерная, д. 8, г.Санкт-Петербург
  • ООО "Торус"
    Основной род деятельности компании - поставки оборудования, оптовые продажи, послепродажное обслуживание и сервис, проектирование комплексных инженерно-технических решений на базе интегрированных систем безопасности, включающих охранное видеонаблюдение, системы контроля доступа, домофонию и охранную сигнализацию.
    • Phone:+7(343) 288-39-92
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул. Чапаева, 1а, г.Екатеринбург
  • ООО "Торус"
    Основной род деятельности компании - поставки оборудования, оптовые продажи, послепродажное обслуживание и сервис, проектирование комплексных инженерно-технических решений на базе интегрированных систем безопасности, включающих охранное видеонаблюдение, системы контроля доступа, домофонию и охранную сигнализацию.
    • Phone:+7(863) 209-88-45
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:улица Нансена, 105, 1 этаж, г.Ростов-на-Дону
  • ООО "Торус"
    Основной род деятельности компании - поставки оборудования, оптовые продажи, послепродажное обслуживание и сервис, проектирование комплексных инженерно-технических решений на базе интегрированных систем безопасности, включающих охранное видеонаблюдение, системы контроля доступа, домофонию и охранную сигнализацию.
    • Phone:+7(846) 219-23-35
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Московское шоссе, 57, г.Самара
  • ООО "Торус"
    Основной род деятельности компании - поставки оборудования, оптовые продажи, послепродажное обслуживание и сервис, проектирование комплексных инженерно-технических решений на базе интегрированных систем безопасности, включающих охранное видеонаблюдение, системы контроля доступа, домофонию и охранную сигнализацию.
    • Phone:+7(383) 235-95-25
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:проспект Дзержинского, 2, г.Новосибирск
  • ООО "Торус"
    Основной род деятельности компании - поставки оборудования, оптовые продажи, послепродажное обслуживание и сервис, проектирование комплексных инженерно-технических решений на базе интегрированных систем безопасности, включающих охранное видеонаблюдение, системы контроля доступа, домофонию и охранную сигнализацию.
    • Phone:+7(347) 224-28-30
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул. Российская, 33/4, г.Уфа
  • ООО "Торус"
    Основной род деятельности компании - поставки оборудования, оптовые продажи, послепродажное обслуживание и сервис, проектирование комплексных инженерно-технических решений на базе интегрированных систем безопасности, включающих охранное видеонаблюдение, системы контроля доступа, домофонию и охранную сигнализацию.
    • Phone:+7(861) 238-85-44
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул. Селезнева, 105, г.Краснодар
  • ООО "Торус"
    Основной род деятельности компании - поставки оборудования, оптовые продажи, послепродажное обслуживание и сервис, проектирование комплексных инженерно-технических решений на базе интегрированных систем безопасности, включающих охранное видеонаблюдение, системы контроля доступа, домофонию и охранную сигнализацию.
    • Phone:+7(4732) 123-186
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул. Текстильщиков, 8Б, офис 16, г.Воронеж
  • ООО "Торус"
    Основной род деятельности компании - поставки оборудования, оптовые продажи, послепродажное обслуживание и сервис, проектирование комплексных инженерно-технических решений на базе интегрированных систем безопасности, включающих охранное видеонаблюдение, системы контроля доступа, домофонию и охранную сигнализацию.
    • Phone:+7(423) 205-58-90
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:пр-т 100-летия Владивостока, 20, г.Владивосток
  • ООО "Торус"
    Основной род деятельности компании - поставки оборудования, оптовые продажи, послепродажное обслуживание и сервис, проектирование комплексных инженерно-технических решений на базе интегрированных систем безопасности, включающих охранное видеонаблюдение, системы контроля доступа, домофонию и охранную сигнализацию.
    • Phone:+7(843) 207-33-15
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул Оренбургский Тракт, д. 24В, г.Казань
  • ООО "ЭЛКО Рус"
    ELKO Rus-дистрибьютор бытовой техники, ИТ-продукции и решений
    • Phone:+7 495 2349939
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:п/о Путилково, улица 69 км МКАД, стр.7, офис 506
  • ООО "Эс Эл Групп"
    SL Group – Компания является системным интегратором в области систем безопасности ИТ-систем. Основные компетенции компании связаны с созданием комплексных решений и продуктов, а также с их внедрением. Кроме того, компания дистрибутирует решения ведущих мировых производителей в области инженерных систем, систем безопасности и ИТ.Основной актив компании – высококвалифицированные специалисты, имеющие обширный опыт работы в проектах федерального и регионального значения, выполняемых как в коммерческом, так и в государственном секторе.Уникальность компании – создание инновационных комплексных решений и продуктов для заказчиков.
    • Phone:7 (499) 638-27-60
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул. Обручева, 30/1, стр. 2, эт.1, пом. I, ком. 45
  • ООО "Эс Эл Инжиниринг"
    Инженерная компания, специализирующаяся на ведении полного цикла проекта в качестве системного интегратора и подрядчика в сложных инженерных проектах. В подразделениях компании работают квалифицированные специалисты, способные в короткие сроки провести инженерные разработки, подготовить проектную документацию и необходимые сметы, согласовать с заказчиком планы ведения работ и сервисного обслуживания создаваемых систем.Лаборатории компании выполняют проверку электрооборудования и волоконно-оптических систем, используемых в проектах. Основные компетенции сосредоточены в области построения систем инженерных зданий и сооружений, городской среды,а также ЦОД: СКС, ЛВС, СВН, СКУД, ОПС, сетей связи, систем питания, оповещения и другие. Уникальность компании – компетенции при работе на стыке различных систем и внедрение проектов «под ключ» – от разработки технических решений до пуско-наладочных работ.
    • Phone:7 (499) 638-27-60
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул. Плеханова, 17, этаж 6/комн. 603
  • ООО "Эффорт Групп"
    Дистрибьюторская компания, работающая на рынке систем видеонаблюдения и систем безопасности. Основной актив компании – команда, имеющая опыт работы с ведущими производителями и дистрибьюторами РФ. Плодотворное сотрудничество с ведущими производителями позволяет компании осуществлять поставки большому количеству партнеров по всей России. Уникальность компании – ее профессиональная команда и высокие стандарты работы в построении партнерских отношений.
    • Phone:7 (495) 505-63-207 (916) 236-60-91
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул. Золотая, д. 11, помещ. 7Б09
    Дистрибьюторская компания, работающая на рынке систем видеонаблюдения и систем безопасности. Основной актив компании – команда, имеющая опыт работы с ведущими производителями и дистрибьюторами РФ. Плодотворное сотрудничество с ведущими производителями позволяет компании осуществлять поставки большому количеству партнеров по всей России. Уникальность компании – ее профессиональная команда и высокие стандарты работы в построении партнерских отношений.
    • Phone:7 961 280-94-37
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:ул. Вавилова, д. 71 В стр. 2, этаж 2 помещ. 2 ж
    Дистрибьюторская компания, работающая на рынке систем видеонаблюдения и систем безопасности. Основной актив компании – команда, имеющая опыт работы с ведущими производителями и дистрибьюторами РФ. Плодотворное сотрудничество с ведущими производителями позволяет компании осуществлять поставки большому количеству партнеров по всей России. Уникальность компании – ее профессиональная команда и высокие стандарты работы в построении партнерских отношений.
    • Phone:7-913-934-58-07
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Каменская ул, д. 55, помещ. 16/1
  • ООО Эс Эл Северо-Запад
    Дистрибьюторская компания, работающая на рынке систем видеонаблюдения и систем безопасности. Основной актив компании – команда, имеющая опыт работы с ведущими производителями и дистрибьюторами РФ. Плодотворное сотрудничество с ведущими производителями позволяет компании осуществлять поставки большому количеству партнеров по всей России. Уникальность компании – ее профессиональная команда и высокие стандарты работы в построении партнерских отношений.
    • Phone:7 (499) 638-27-60
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:пр-кт Большой Сампсониевский, 68Н, пом/оф 6-Н №3/100д
  • Центр Систем Безопасности
    ООО «Центр Систем Безопасности» занимает в регионе одно из ведущих мест по оптово-розничной продаже оборудования комплексных систем безопасности. В составе компании открыты три филиала в городах Кургане, Сургуте и Екатеринбурге Во всех офисах компании организованы демонстрационные залы, где каждому клиенту представят оборудование в рабочем режиме практически всех систем безопасности. ООО «Центр Систем Безопасности» - это сотрудники, которые всегда готовы оказать информационную и техническую поддержку в выборе оптимальной схемы и состава оборудования систем безопасности и предоставят всю необходимую техническую документацию. ООО «Центр Систем Безопасности» - это всесторонняя техническая поддержка, консультации, предоставление товарного кредита, наличие большого запаса оборудование на складах, бесплатная доставка товара, гибкая система скидок – вот отличительные черты деятельности нашей компании.
    • Phone:+7 (3452) 500-067
    • Web Site:
    • Adresse:Тюмень, ул. 50 лет Октября дом 63б
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