According to the World Health Organization (WHO), traffic accidents kill approximately 1.35 million people a year and injure up to 50 million more. A large number of these accidents are preventable, caused by speeding drivers, or distracted drivers who are talking on their phones or texting on the road.
As well as causing accidents and near-misses, bad driving practices also increase traffic congestion, which is a major headache for motorists and local authorities. Common driving behaviors that typically impact traffic flow include illegal stopping or parking, incorrect use of priority lanes, illegal u-turns, and unnecessarily sharp braking at traffic lights and junctions.
To help make roads safer, and to keep traffic flowing, Hikvision has created a Traffic Violation Detection solution. This focuses on three key areas to ensure that motorists drive as safely as possible, and that any infractions are recorded and notified.
As an additional benefit, the Hikvision solution uses smart video to automate traffic and incident management. This not only speeds up response times compared to manual monitoring, but it also helps to save police time and free up forces to focus on major incidents.
Detecting speeding and other traffic violations at checkpoints
Using Hikvision cameras and velocity radars mounted on checkpoint ‘gantries’, traffic violations can be detected at key locations on the road network. In particular, the speed of vehicles can be verified – either using a location-based snapshot, or an average speed between two checkpoints (as shown in the images below).
1) Speed check method 1: Instantaneous speed detection: this uses a speed radar, a video camera, and a supplemental light to detect the speed of the vehicle as it passes the checkpoint.