Latest innovations include deep learning for automated threat detection and crystal-clear color video, even at night
To bring HD clarity to analogue video security systems, Hikvision launched its first-generation Turbo HD DVRs and cameras in 2013. Since then, subsequent generations of Turbo HD products have delivered a wealth of innovations, including ultra-low-light video recording and super-efficient bandwidth and storage usage – helping Hikvision customers to enhance their security and perimeter protection.
Building on these revolutionary security advances, Hikvision has now announced the Turbo HD 5.0 family of video security products, which includes Hikvision AcuSense Turbo HD DVRs and ColorVu Turbo HD Cameras. These technologies make it even easier for organizations and individuals to identify and react to security breaches, while also minimizing manual interventions and security costs.
Hikvision AcuSense Turbo HD DVR – key benefits
مع استخدام أحد عشر طرازًا مختلفًا من مسجّلات الفيديو الرقمية، تستخدم مجموعة AcuSense من Hikvision أحدث تقنيات التعلم المتعمق لتعزيز رصد الأجسام. وبشكل خاص، يرصد مسجّل الفيديو الرقمي في سلسلة Turbo HD بتقنية AcuSense من Hikvision المركبات أو البشر، ويقوم بتصفية الإنذارات الخاطئة التي تنطلق جراء رصد الحيوانات وأوراق الأشجار وغيرها من الأجسام غير المهمة، ويقلل من الفحوصات اليدوية المكلفة التي تستغرق وقتًا طويلاً. وكميزة إضافية، تقوم ميزة البحث السريع عن الأهداف في الكاميرات بتقنية AcuSense من Hikvision بتحديد لقطات الفيديو التي يظهر فيها البشر والمركبات واستخراجها تلقائيًا من مجموعات واسعة من بيانات الفيديو، موفّرةً على الموظفين عناء البحث في مجموعات هائلة من البيانات.
ColorVu Turbo HD Camera – key benefits
توفر كاميرات Turbo HD بتقنية ColorVu صور فيديو بألوان ساطعة على مدار الساعة وطيلة أيام الأسبوع، حتى في ظروف الإضاءة المنخفضة جدًا. The camera’s round-the-clock color-boosting capabilities are powered by a large iris and ED optical glass, an anti-glare diffusion lens, large sensing pixels, warm supplemental lighting, and a range of other innovative video technologies. With brighter, more colourful video images, Hikvision customers are protected against security breaches, even when they happen at night.
Turbo HD 5.0: heightened security at a reduced cost
Hikvision’s latest Turbo HD 5.0 takes the capabilities of traditional analogue and CCTV systems to new heights, helping organizations to maximize their security and lower video security costs.
Frank Zhang, General Manager of International Product Marketing Department at Hikvision, says, “With Hikvision AcuSense Turbo HD DVR, we have integrated revolutionary deep learning technology to help our customers filter out false alarms, find video evidence faster, and react to real security threats as soon as they occur. At the same time, ColorVu Turbo HD Cameras provide clear, bright, color images even in complete darkness, alerting customers to security breaches immediately and providing excellent video evidence wherever it’s needed.”
Find out more
Technical capabilities and specifications for the new Hikvision Turbo HD 5.0 products are showcased in our Turbo HD 5.0 product brochure. Click here to learn more details about Hikvision's Turbo HD 5.0 DVR. For more information, speak with a Hikvision representative about your security needs.