Procedures to be Followed when Responding to Government Requests
1. Requests Sending and Receiving Procedures
Government requests shall be sent from official address of relevant government agencies, accompanied by valid certificates, via registered mail to HIKVISION registered office address in corresponding country/region (specific address can be searched on If there is no local registered HIKVISION office address, please send it to: Hikvision Europe B.V., Dirk Storklaan 3, 2132 PX Hoofddorp, the Netherlands, with its register number of 34359062. Any government requests sent thorugh e-mail shall be from official e-mail address of relevant government agency, accompanied by valid certificates, and sent to :
In order for us to quickly make response, the government agencies making legal requests shall state specific laws and regulations upon which their requests are based, and issue the requests in strict accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Relevant applicable laws and regulations include but are not limited to EU General Data Protection Regulation, EU Digital Services Act, etc.
We reserve the right to charge reasonable fees incurred by any government agency for complying with its lawful requests.
We accept requests from government agencies conform to the following paradigm:
Government Request Form For Information
2. How HIKVISION Manages Various Types of Requests
Hikvision has a centralized and standardized process for receiving, tracking, processing and responding to legal requests from government agencies.
Hikvision will request that government comply with applicable laws and regulations when requesting customer information and data, and HIKVISION will contractually require its service providers to adhere to the same standards. HIKVISION’s team will review received requests to ensure they have valid legal basis. If HIKVISION believes that any request lacks a legitimate and reasonable legal basis, that any request is unclear, inappropriate or too broad, or that it may harm the legitimate interests of any third party, HIKVISION has the right to object, question or reject such request.
HIKVISION will treat the request as an emergency if it is related to a situation involving an urgent and serious threat to personal life/security, national security, or the security of critical infrastructure/installations. HIKVISION will review any requests on an urgent basis if the requesting government agency can prove that their requests involve the aforementioned situations.
If a government agency requests HIKVISION to restrict or delete any account of a customer or user, HIKVISION will require a court order or other equivalent legal instrument (including an injunction, conviction verdict or writ) to prove that such account was used in a way illegal or infringing others’ legitimate rights. If HIKVISION determines that the request does not have a valid legal basis, or if the government agency cannot prove illegal use or infringement of such account, HIKVISION will deny or challenge the request. If HIKVISION receives a qualified court order or other equivalent legal instrument from the government or law enforcement agency, which can prove that the account requested to be restricted or deleted has been illegally used or infringes others’ legitimate rights , HIKVISION will comply with such order or equivalent legal instrument, to take necessary steps to restrict or delete the account, while informing the requesting agency of the process.
When HIKVISION provides customers or users’ account information and basic product information in response to legitimate and valid requests from government agencies, HIKVISION will notify these customers or users as soon as possible, except for the following circumstances: court orders received by HIKVISION and applicable law expressly prohibits the provision of notification; or HIKVISION believes that providing notification would pose a risk of injury or death to an identifiable individual; the cases involve child abuse; or the notification does not apply to the basic facts of the case.
After 30 days, HIKVISION will provide a delayed notice to the involved customers or users regarding emergency information disclosure, except in the following circumstances: providing notice is prohibited by court order or applicable law; HIKVISION believes that providing notice may expose identifiable individuals or the group poses a risk of injury or death; the cases involve child abuse.
If HIKVISION receives any court order requiring a confidentiality period, HIKVISION will provide a notice after the confidentiality period specified in the court order expires, unless HIKVISION believes that providing notification may bring a risk of harm or death to an identifiable individual or group, or the case involves child abuse, or the notification does not apply to the basic facts of the case.
If HIKVISION receives a court order (usually a guilty verdict or writ) proving that the account requested to be restricted/deleted has been used illegally or infringes others’ legitimate rights, HIKVISION will notify the customer or user when it restricts or deletes the relevant account accordingly , unless the following circumstances exist: the legal proceeding itself, a court order received by HIKVISION, or applicable law prohibits the provision of notification; the case involves child abuse; HIKVISION has reason to believe that providing notification will expose an identifiable individual or group to a risk of injury or death; the notice does not apply to the underlying facts of the case.