Nasza oferta

With the rapid urbanization happening globally, enhancing the efficiency of public transportation has become a common concern. Managing and supervising bus operations effectively is a key aspect of this.

Hikvision’s On-board Passenger Counting solution offers a new approach to address these challenges. It allows for easy and real-time detection of the number of passengers on a bus, even during peak times. By accurately tracking passenger flow, this solution improves service quality, operational efficiency, and feasibility.

Key Technology

Binocular Stereo Vision Technology

Binocular Stereo Vision Technology

With this technology, cameras can capture two images of the measured object from different angles. By calculating the error between corresponding points, it provides accurate solid geometry information.

3D Detection and Tracking Technology

3D Detection and Tracking Technology

Building upon binocular stereo vision, our solution incorporates 3D head detection and 3D counting. The algorithm accurately locates passengers until they exit the site. It effectively filters out repeated counts caused by wandering individuals, crowded spaces, or partially overlapped people.

Height-Filter Technology

Height-Filter Technology

This technology allows users to filter out non-target persons by extracting target height information. Users can set a specific height in the system to differentiate between adults and children.

Recommended Solution

  • Seat Occupancy Statistics
  • Vehicle Scheduling and Dispatch
  • Reporting and Auditing

Real-time seat occupancy and boarding status

  • Real-time seat information and boarding status, which enable accurate counting of the number of people on the bus and the availability of seats.
  • Real-time video to assist the driver in determining whether to open or close doors, keeping passengers safe from getting trapped.
  • Prevent fare evasion with alerts sent to the driver when a passenger boards through the exit door.

Passenger flow statistics for operational efficiency

  • Automated collection of passenger flow statistics, including peak stop hours, number of bus lines during peak intervals, and peak interval durations.
  • Improved operational efficiency and reduced labor dependency on vehicle dispatchers.
  • Easy optimization of bus scheduling and vehicle utilization.

Passenger flow reports help with fare management

  • Passenger counts can be utilized to conduct audits and identify any instances of fare losses on fixed-fare buses.
  • With a centralized fare management platform, passenger flow data helps to allocate fares to each route. 
Product Selection
Kamera do zliczania osób
In-vehicle Recorder

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