Informazioni su Hikvision

Who is Hikvision


Hikvision è un fornitore leader a livello mondiale di prodotti e soluzioni per la sicurezza.    

Con una forza lavoro di ricerca e sviluppo estesa e altamente qualificata, Hikvision produce una suite completa di prodotti e soluzioni per un'ampia gamma di mercati verticali.    

Oltre al settore della sicurezza, Hikvision estende la sua portata ai settori della tecnologia per la casa intelligente, dell'automazione industriale e dell'elettronica automobilistica per raggiungere la sua visione a lungo termine.    

I prodotti Hikvision offrono inoltre una potente business intelligence per gli utenti finali, che può consentire operazioni più efficienti e un maggiore successo commerciale.



Hikvision is always aspired to empower customers and create value for the society through technological innovations. 

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Protecting security devices and systems from cyberattacks is more important than ever before, and Hikvision has taken a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity. We strive to ensure maximum cybersecurity across our entire value chain and across the entire lifecycle of our products, as the illustration to the right shows. This approach is called Secure-by-Design and is a top priority at Hikvision. 

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Hikvision investor relations


Being open, transparant and honest as always, we hope to deliver sustainable returns for our shareholders. We will pace ourselves to encounter the chanllenges ahead and accept them as part of evolution of the company. In the future development journey, Hikvision will continue to focus on our corporate vision and responsibilities while strive to achive win-win with our investors. Learn more about Hikvision investor relations. 

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Being open, transparant and honest as always, we hope to deliver sustainable returns for our shareholders. We will pace ourselves to encounter the chanllenges ahead and accept them as part of evolution of the company. In the future development journey, Hikvision will continue to focus on our corporate vision and responsibilities while strive to achive win-win with our investors. 


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Integrity and compliance are Hikvision’s fundamental business principles and serve as the cornerstones of our sustainable development. It is our firm conviction that compliance creates values. Hikvision is dedicated to building a compliance management system in line with industry best practices and integrating the high standards of business ethics into the way we operate.

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Hikvision Transparency Report


Hikvision always respect data security and privacy of our customers and users. Hikvision commits to value users privacy while responding to any government requests pursuant to the applicable laws and regulations. Hikvision Transparency Report elaborates all requests that we received from law enforcement and other government agencies around the world and how we responded to those requests. Generally, the Hikvision Transparency Report is published every year.

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Hikvision careers


Hikvision Italy

Hikvision Italy


Via Abruzzo, 12
Z.I. San Giacomo di Veglia
31020 Vittorio Veneto (TV)

Tel: +39 0438 6902


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