Descripción general de la solución

La seguridad de las escuelas se ha convertido en una de las principales preocupaciones de administradores y padres en todo el mundo. Construir una escuela segura con riesgos mínimos es lo que buscan.


Las soluciones por escenario de Hikvision para escuelas brindan un sistema de seguridad escolar completo con protección de video para todo clima, aplicaciones impulsadas por IA, alarmas intuitivas, protecciones de entrada y salida eficientes y gestión de asistencia. Los estudiantes prosperan en un entorno de aprendizaje seguro y de apoyo; es por eso que Hikvision creó esta solución efectiva. Siga leyendo para obtener más información.

solution advanced map
  • 1

    Vehicle Entrance & Exit

  • 2

    School Gates & Dormitories

  • 3

    Public Area

  • 4


  • 5


  • 6

    Sala de Control

solution advanced map
  • 1
    Vehicle Entrance & Exit
  • 2
    School Gates & Dormitories
  • 3
    Public Area
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
    Sala de Control

Administración de entrada y salida


Para reducir la congestión del tráfico en las horas pico y los incidentes innecesarios, la mayoría de los puntos de entrada y salida de las escuelas están separados de la puerta de la escuela. Aquí, se prioriza la autenticación inteligente del vehículo y el mantenimiento de registros para mejorar la seguridad y facilitar una experiencia de paso fluida.

Lo que ofrecemos

Hikvision ofrece una experiencia de entrada y salida continua con verificación de matrículas para aumentar la eficiencia y la seguridad del acceso, y administrar vehículos temporales de manera efectiva. Con productos habilitados con ANPR, los registros de vehículos son fáciles de recuperar para una mejor operación.



  • Salida de vehículos segura y sin problemas
  • Recopilación de pruebas simplificada y registros detallados de vehículos
  • Aumento de la eficiencia operativa a través de potentes informes estadísticos y de control remoto
  • Se adapta a escenarios con o sin cabinas de asistente


  • Acceso automatizado de vehículos matriculados por ANPR o lectores de tarjetas
  • Acceso otorgado manualmente por operador local o remotamente a través de videoportero
  • Diferentes reglas de entrada/salida para diferentes grupos de vehículos
  • Visualización en pantalla de información de estacionamiento y espacios abiertos
Intelligent E&E video unit
Pantalla LED

School gates & dormitories


School gates and dormitories are the most frequent egress sites. Safe and convenient access is crucial to ensure a gate-keeper effect and a fluid passing experience. Moreover, traditional attendance methods are costly and time-consuming to manage.

Lo que ofrecemos

Hikvision offers touch-free access control for efficient passing and attendance management with advanced deep learning technology, improving personnel entry and time attendance management efficiency.



  • Fast, touch-free passing with various authentication credentials to relieve traffic pressure
  • Simple, adaptable deployment with access, video intercom, and attendance in one unit
  • Efficient incident handling with access and video systems combined 


  • Varias credenciales de autenticación: Rostro, tarjetas de identificación, huellas digitales, códigos PIN, etc.
  • Video intercom for granting access remotely 
  • Access and attendance with recording, statistics, and video verification
Access controller & Reader
de Señalización digital

Public areas


Public areas in schools, such as playgrounds, stairwells, and hallways, often hinder video security. Various environmental lighting changes throughout the hours of the day limit clarity. In addition, a prompt alarm and response system is required to properly deal with emergencies quickly enough to minimize damage. 

Lo que ofrecemos

Hikvision provides large-scale panoramic monitoring as well as clear, detailed zooming when security-related situations are detected in indoor and outdoor spaces. Whether in the hallway or the playground, you can count on us for accurate detection, high-definition video security, timely alarms, and immediate response for a secure learning environment on your campus.

  • Professional video security
  • Reliable alarm management


  • False alarm reduction, help security focus on human activities
  • Instant alerts with onsite light and sound


  • Various form factor options; HD video and optical performance
  • Excellent low-light performance, clear imaging against strong back light
  • AcuSense AI false alarm filter
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  • Wide area and wide viewing angle coverage with sharp detail
  • False alarm filter to help security staff focus on human incidents
  • Instant alert with onsite light and sound


  • 8 MP HD video, 180˚ FOV
  • HD video with color 24/7  
  • AcuSense false alarm filter
  • Active strobe light and audio alarm
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  • Wide area UDH details with minimize installation
  • Panoramic viewing from the camera, excellent dim light performance
  • Robust for harsh environments deployment


  • Wide area Ultra HD video coverage up to 180 degree
  • Multi-lens image stitching for panoramic view
  • Darkfighter technology
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  • Sensors detect risks and threats like fire, water-leakage, and broken glass in the early stages
  • Instant alarm push with video verification keeps staff informed with added visibility
  • Various wireless alarm I/O components, easy to deploy for common scenarios


  • PIR & Microwave dual-tech intrusion alarm
  • Smoke detection, glass-break sensors, and sensors for doors forced open
  • Video verification for alarm, push notification to desktop client and mobile app
Panoramic camera for wide area surveillance
Indoor surveillance



Over night, outdoor surroundings at schools typically sit in very dim light. Still, security teams must quickly distinguish approaching humans or vehicles from other harmless moving objects – animals, falling leaves, etc. – and effectively stop trespassing as early as possible. 

Lo que ofrecemos

Hikvision provides 24/7, all-weather, wide area, and AI-empowered perimeter protection with On-site Lighting and Sound Deterrence to safeguard students with higher security confidence.  


  • Clearer visual details and precise alarms
  • Deterrence of intruders instantly with light and sound alarms
  • Standard, automated incident handling help boost evidencing efficiency


  • Clear, all-weather video 24/7
  • AI false alarm filter, focusing on human and  vehicle events
  • Instant alert with onsite light and sound to deter trespassers
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  • Broader monitoring range without losing any information
  • Quick search and automatic recording to reduce manual workload for administrators & staff
  • Reduced installation and deployment costs


  • Leading screen stitching technology to enhance panoramic view
  • Integrated design and single IP access for easy installation and maintenance
  • Multiple lenses integrated in one security camera
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