Plug & Play connectivity
Cloud P2P connection without IP/Domain, reducing installation steps
Hik-ProConnect este o soluție convergentă, bazată pe cloud, concepută pentru furnizorii de servicii de securitate.
Instalatorii pot monitoriza starea de sănătate a dispozitivelor / site-urilor de la distanță și, în același timp, pot rezolva problemele rapid, utilizând o platformă simplă și fiabilă.
Hik-ProConnect permite personalizarea soluțiilor de securitate pentru clienții cu dispozitive Hikvision complet convergente, acoperind securitatea video, intruziunile, controlul accesului, interfonie etc.
Accesați portalul web Hik-ProConnect și deveniți furnizor de servicii acum:
Contactați distribuitorii locali autorizați/echipa de vânzare și obțineți o perioadă de încercare gratuită!
Echipa de securitate - avantaje:
Managerii serviciilor de securitate - avantaje:
Security service providers can reduce on-site visits via the tools listed below after obtaining end users’ authorization:
Soluția Hik-ProConnect:
Security service managers can reduce site visits, saving time and costs with:
Regulile de legătură flexibile între dispozitivele Hikvision pot fi personalizate cu ușurință, după cum este necesar, pentru a asigura un sistem de securitate cuprinzător; utilizatorii finali pot primi alarme prin intermediul aplicației Hik-Connect cu verificare video. De exemplu:
Sigla companiei va apărea pe ecran atunci când clientul dvs. își deschide aplicația Hik-Connect. Acest lucru contribuie la promovarea gradului de cunoaștere a mărcii dvs., creând diferențierea și consolidându-vă produsele și serviciile.
Users can benefit greatly from hosted service features (VSaaS, video security as a service), as Hik-ProConnect is a cloud-based device & service management platform.
Guaranteed system security
Hik-ProConnect foloseşte standarde şi protocoale de top din domeniu pentru securitate şi fiabilitate maximă.
Powerful security methods and protocols include:
We are certified with the CSA Star, ISO27701 and ISO27001.
What they say about Hik-ProConnect
I have many far-away customer sites, even more than 100 km from my office. Previously, we had to go to the customer site to check and re-install devices. But now, I can do it right from my office. It really helps me to lessen the travel cost and save time.
Hik-ProConnect enables quick installation and configuration. Previously, we had to complete these with a laptop, which was more burdensome. And I especially love the device scanning and co-branding functions, showing our company's logo via Hik-ProConnect.
The App has been a game changer, saving me a lot of time by enabling me to access devices and configure them remotely. It has simplified the way we maintain our customers' sites. Now we use Hik-ProConnect on a daily basis.
Hik-ProConnect has revolutionized our workflow in every aspect from adding features remotely, accessing the live feed based on customers' permissions, to configuring parameters in batch and more. There's so much we can do without leaving the office, saving large amounts of time and money.
Hik-ProConnect has helped us a lot to increase productivity of our technical team, which is deployed every day to various sites in the region. It enables us to perform remote configurations and health monitoring and quickly respond to customers' urgent requests, anytime and anywhere.
Hik-ProConnect helps me most to see immediately if devices are well-connected and operating correctly. It gives me prompt notifications when cameras or other devices go offline. It also helps me to sell more because when there is a problem I can notify the customer before even they know it.
Hik-ProConnect helps integrators like ourselves to be proactive when we support our nationwide infrastructure, allows us to keep costs low and provide customers with better service, and also guarantees a country-wide operational capacity of about 99%, 365 days a year.
Open integration
Hik-ProConnect features open integration capabilities for a wide variety of partnerships. Whether it's alarm receiving centers (ARC), third-party VSaaS vendors, or cloud-based time-attendance vendors – everyone can find a solution with Hikvision. Here's a sample of what we offer:
Cloud P2P connection without IP/Domain, reducing installation steps
Partners do not need to deploy streaming or storage servers on the cloud, or buy extra traffic for videos
ARC partners can integrate Alarm Monitoring Software directly via IP Receiver Pro
Remote installation, configuration and maintenance of devices via Hik-ProConnect App or portal
Effortless integration with no additional effort for further development
Advanced video-based technologies and tools ready for our partners to use
Partner success stories
Learn more about Hikvision's integration solutions for partners from our Technical Partner Portal ( -> INTEGRATION) or contact your local Hikvision team.
Value-added services
Hik-ProConnect's value-added services offer more possibilities and more flexibility for centralized management, enabling security service providers to create recurring revenue with reduced time and costs.
Start Using Hik-ProConnect Today!
Utilizând Hik-ProConnect, atât instalatorii, cât și furnizorii de servicii pot oferi clienților opțiuni de stocare în cloud sigure și de încredere. Utilizatorii pot:
Centrul de recepție a alarmelor (ARC) oferă atât servicii de monitorizare a alarmelor, cât și un sistem de răspuns 24/7, de la distanță. Clienții ARC pot integra software-ul de monitorizare a alarmelor cu Hik-ProConnect pentru:
Folosind gestionarea conturilor pe Hik-ProConnect, puteți personaliza permisiunile și le puteți distribui membrilor echipei de securitate după cum este necesar - administratori sau manageri de site-uri, de exemplu.
Utilizatorii pot beneficia considerabil de pe urma caracteristicilor serviciului găzduit (VSaaS, securitate video ca serviciu), deoarece Hik-ProConnect este o platformă de servicii de securitate bazată pe cloud.
Hik-ProConnect folosește standarde și protocoale de top din industrie pentru o securitate și fiabilitate maximă.
Standarde și protocoale de securitate:
Susținut de platforma cloud EZVIZ, certificată cu CSA Star, ISO 29151, și ISO 27001, fiind conformă cu SOC2.
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