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  • There are no restrictions on the content or style of the video, but please follow any applicable laws, regulations and rules of the social media platform that you choose. You should avoid to infringe Hikvision’s or any other third parties’ rights, and in a manner that is not misleading, harassing or racially or ethnically offensive, including without limitation:
  • Your videos shall not contain any content that violates the privacy or image rights of any subjects, including recognizable facial images captured without the authorization of the data subjects.
  • Your videos shall not contain or transmit any harmful, threatening, defamatory, obscene, discriminatory information, shall not promote unlawful violence, or otherwise be illegal or cause damage or injury to any person or property.
  • Your videos shall not contain any improper comparison that infringes reputation of Hikvision or any other third parties.
  • Your videos shall not in any way infringe intellectual property rights, reputation or integrity pertaining to Hikvision.
  • You retain the copyright of the videos published in this campaign, and by participating in the campaign, you agree to authorize Hikvision the perpetual rights, free of charge, to utilize, repost, and create derivative materials from your videos, for the purpose of promotion and marketing globally. In case of any objections, please contact us and both parties shall engage in an amicable negotiation.
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