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Indonesia embraces digitalization for greater traffic management efficiency
To make its traffic violation management more efficient and to maximize road safety and traffic flows, Indonesian traffic police have implemented an innovative AIoT solution from Hikvision. Here's the story.
Indonesia is one of the largest economies and the fourth most populated country in the world. What's more, its most densely populated regions, such as Jakarta and South Sumatra, endure extremely high volumes of highway traffic every day.
Many of these densely populated regions are suffering from chronic congestion due to growing numbers of vehicle along with traffic violations and accidents. Even worse, the lack of a smart video system was causing a lot of manual work. This problem fell primarily on the traffic police, who had to keep eyes on each camera present in their assigned areas to drivers violating traffic laws. In addition to this, when police spotted a driver violating the rules, they had to manually note down the vehicle number and file a report. This process was a huge burden to the traffic police department as it required 24/7 monitoring and excessive amounts of manpower. It also resulted in many human errors with traffic ticket handling and administration.
To raise awareness of safety and to reduce the number of traffic violations, Korlantas, the traffic department of the Indonesian police force, decided to implement its Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement, or ETLE. Erwin Aras Genda, Chief Executive of ETLE in South Sumatra, said: "With ETLE, traffic violation detection will rely on a smart video system, and the ticketing process will be digitalized, which makes violation management more efficient and effective. To achieve this, the first step is to install smart traffic cameras." After researching several options, they deployed Hikvision's intelligent traffic solution.
To address the country's ticketing problems, Hikvision developed customized algorithms to identify the most common kinds of traffic violations handled in Indonesia. Violations that the system can pick up include running a red light or stop sign, wrong-way driving, improper lane usage, illegal parking, motorcycle overloading and riding without helmets, odd-even plate violations, speeding, unfastened seatbelts, and using a cell phone while driving, among others. Hikvsion's intelligent traffic cameras provide these AI analytics.
9 MP ANPR Intersection Violation Capture Units (iDS-TCE900-A/16) and 9 MP IR ANPR Checkpoint Capture Units (iDS-TCV900-AI/25) were installed at the busiest intersections and checkpoints in the most populous regions, including Jakarta and South Sumatra. These artificial intelligence-enabled smart cameras identify and process traffic violations, classified by the algorithm. The high-definition violation evidence then gets safely stored in Hikvision's Hybrid SAN systems.
Next, Hikvision's HikCentral video management system integrated the traffic department's official electronic ticketing system provider. Traffic images captured by smart traffic cameras and stored in the Hybrid SAN systems are fed into the e-ticketing system. After this, the system provider conducts video analysis and automatically issues tickets as traffic violations occur.
With Hikvision's intelligent traffic solution, the traffic violation ticketing process in Jakarta and South Sumatra has been digitalized and automated, making the administrative management process more efficient and effective throughout the ticketing process, as well as assisting traffic units in administrative management. The current electronic ticketing system has proven to be much faster than conventional ticketing, reducing the time spent in issuing a traffic violation and making it possible for traffic officers to spend more time patrolling and less time checking video footage and completing paperwork.
In addition, artificial intelligence improves the accuracy of the tickets issued, minimizing disputes between citizens and traffic officers due to human errors. With higher automation and less manual work, the system is now more transparent, and the issue of human errors has been reduced considerably.
Jakarta and South Sumatra have been the first regions to implement the ETLE system. Erwin Aras Genda commented: "With the help of the intelligent traffic solution from Hikvision, ETLE has been successfully implemented in South Sumatra. Digitalization of the ticketing system has facilitated speed, convenience, and transparency of the ticketing process. The success of this project is encouraging more and more Indonesian cities to implement the system."
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