Potężne możliwości kamer Hikvision ColorVu w zakresie rejestrowania szczegółów przy słabym oświetleniu są wynikiem dwóch przełomowych rozwiązań technologii sprzętowych: zaawansowanych obiektywów i wysokowydajnych przetworników. W połączeniu z dodatkowym oświetleniem przeznaczonym do warunków bardzo słabego oświetlenia kamery ColorVu gwarantują obraz pełen kolorowych szczegółów, gdy będą one potrzebne.

Unveiling new technologies


To address a wide range of security needs and scenarios, as well as maximize security at night and in other low-light environments, Hikvision has further developed ColorVu technology, combining it with other advanced technologies, like panoramic, varifocal, 4K, AI, and more.

A large aperture, adjustable lighting modes, and other refined technologies bring powerful new features to Hikvision’s Pro-Series ColorVu Cameras, which render professional-quality color imaging even in low-light conditions. Hikvision night vision camera integrates the newest Smart Hybrid Light with ColorVu technology to upgrade your night vision experience with true-to-life details in virtually any setting. Even in total darkness, users can still get sharply focused HD images in color or black & white. “ColorVu + X” technology can realize more possibilities and produce a more flexible and powerful security experience.

Read on to learn more about how ColorVu cameras can play a critical role in your next comprehensive security installation.

Powerful new features include:

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  • Stunning low-light imaging

    F1.0 Super Aperture and advanced sensor ensure excellent color imaging in ultra-low light.

  • Smart hybrid light

    Three lighting modes offer color, black & white, or motion-triggered color imaging to suit virtually any need in any setting.
  • Super confocal lens

    Designed with precision at the micron level, allowing for master-level focus and long-lasting, high-definition images with F1.0 large aperture.
  • Stunning low-light imaging

    F1.0 Super Aperture and advanced sensor ensure excellent color imaging in ultra-low light.
  • Smart hybrid light

    Three lighting modes offer color, black & white, or motion-triggered color imaging to suit virtually any need in any setting.
  • Super confocal lens

    Designed with precision at the micron level, allowing for master-level focus and long-lasting, high-definition images with F1.0 large aperture.

"ColorVu + X" takes video security above and beyond

When combining ColorVu (“+”) with other Hikvision’s advanced technology (“X”), amazing possibilities emerge.  


“ColorVu + X” delivers unmatched value to the security market with more options than ever. Cameras powered by these technologies render clear imaging with vivid details for video evidence, improved alarm accuracy for real security threats, and video search efficiency – taking your security above and beyond what was previously possible.

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  • ColorVu + Panoramic

  • The whole scene in vivid color

    Expanding the boundaries of brilliance with a full picture

  • ColorVu + Varifocal

  • Zoom in with vivid color

    Changeable focal lengths for more scenarios

  • ColorVu + 4K

  • Capture richer, more colorful details

    Crisp and clear imaging along with fluid preview and playback

  • ColorVu + Live Guard

  • Proactive protection, day and night

    Visual and auditorv warnings on-site with real-time notifications

  • ColorVu + Deep Learning

  • Smarter detection around the clock

    Taking alarm accuracy and search efficiency to a whole new level

  • ColorVu + Panoramic

  • The whole scene in vivid color

    Expanding the boundaries of brilliance with a full picture

  • ColorVu + Varifocal

  • Zoom in with vivid color

    Changeable focal lengths for more scenarios

  • ColorVu + 4K

  • Capture richer, more colorful details

    Crisp and clear imaging along with fluid preview and playback

  • ColorVu + Live Guard

  • Day and night protection

    Visual and auditory warnings on-site with real-time notifications

  • ColorVu + Deep Learning

  • Smarter detection around the clock

    Taking alarm accuracy and search efficiency to a whole new level

Product spotlights

Discover popular versatile cameras with Hikvision ColorVu + X technology. Click on a ColorVu + X Camera below to learn more about its features.

How does ColorVu+X improve security?

The whole scene in vivid color

Hikvision’s panoramic cameras with ColorVu harness pioneering pixel-level image registration technology with Hikvision’s image fusion algorithm to stitch together a 180-degree horizontal field of view, delivering brilliant and seamless panoramas with more lively details. Wide-area security footage helps improve situational awareness and reduces the amount of cameras required for comprehensive monitoring, aiding cost efficiency.

Zoom in with vivid color

Varifocal cameras adapt to various scenarios by changing the camera’s focal length. Hikvision’s Varifocal Cameras with ColorVu are designed with fixed F1.0 large aperture, which guarantees image brightness while the camera zooms in or out. 

Smarter protection all around

Combining ColorVu technology with AcuSense, cameras are able to capture human & vehicle targets with vivid color. Connected to Hikvision’s back-end products, users will enjoy improved details in video playback and more efficient footage searches.

AcuSense-powered Motion Detection 2.0 distinguishes human beings and vehicles from other objects in any given environment, focusing on real security threats, and enables efficient video searches. Models equipped with Live Guard deter trespassers with visual and auditory warnings while sending notifications to users remotely. 

Learn more about Hikvision AcuSense Technology

Porównanie wydajności w nocy

Cameras with ColorVu vs. Conventional cameras


Watch this video to see round-the-clock performance of cameras with ColorVu compares to conventional security cameras.


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          Budynki mieszkalne

          Małe firmy



          color night vision security camera

          Budynki mieszkalne są często położone na słabo oświetlonych obszarach, gdzie monitorowanie jest utrudnione. Dlatego też, ryzyko włamania i napadu w tych miejscach jest relatywnie wysokie. This includes narrow walkways, stairwells, and other outdoor areas. Cameras with ColorVu provide unmatched monitoring where incidents or accidents occur and illuminate dark areas to reduce risks and improve safety for tenants and visitors. Lepsza jakość obrazu ułatwia identyfikację podejrzanych osób, zapewniając większe bezpieczeństwo.

          color night vision security camera

          Użytkownicy mogą monitorować wejścia i wyjścia, a także słabo oświetlone miejsca wewnątrz i na zewnątrz budynku, gdzie może dojść do kradzieży lub innych przestępstw. Są to miejsca takie jak ciemne korytarze i przejścia, obszary wokół śmietników i rampy załadowcze. Enjoy better illumination with ColorVu cameras while they protect your employees, customers and assets, helping them feel safe around and within your property.

          color night vision security camera

          Parkingi są trudnym miejscem do ochrony z wielu względów. Jednak ColorVu wykorzystuje rozbudowane oświetlenie dodatkowe, aby ułatwić ich nadzór i ochronę. Oznacza to, że nie ma potrzeby instalowania dodatkowego oświetlenia, aby rejestrować wysokiej jakości obrazy w pełnym kolorze. ColorVu’s natural, supplemental lighting will not interfere with a driver’s vision, as opposed to harsh, bright, or discolored lights. Wszystkie te funkcje zmniejszają koszty i zapewniają szczegółowe obrazy o wysokiej rozdzielczości, takie jak kolor ubrania lub kolor samochodu, a w razie potrzeby zdarzenie jest rejestrowane w celach weryfikacyjnych.

          color night vision security camera

          Strategically placed cameras with ColorVu illuminate areas with limited lighting that pose risks for accidents or other incidents such as walkways, play areas, entrances to restrooms and exercise areas. Improved illumination during the evening and nighttime helps members of the community feel safe and comfortable.

          Want to learn more?

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