Elevate Parking Experiences and Streamline Parking Management

With the continuous evolution of urban landscapes, the importance of managing parking space and vehicle flow has become increasingly urgent. At Hikvision, we recognize and tackle this challenge by offering advanced solutions for controlling vehicle access and optimizing parking. Our aim is to enhance parking experiences and streamline parking management by placing utmost importance on safety, speed, and efficiency.

solution advanced map
  • 1

    Vehicle Access Control Management

  • 2

    Parking Guidance

  • 3

    On-Street Parking

solution advanced map
  • 1
    Vehicle Access Control Management
  • 2
    Parking Guidance
  • 3
    On-Street Parking
Vehicle Access Control Management

Vehicle Access Control Management

Efficiently manage vehicle access and billing with the license plate, card, or ticket authentication.

Parking Guidance

Parking Guidance

Parking status displays, space management, and vehicle location retrieval solutions designed to address various scenarios and meet diverse customer needs.

On-Street Parking

On-Street Parking

Seamless on-street parking with real-time monitoring and updates on space availability. Includes license plate recognition, space detection, and the recording of the driving process.

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